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Smurf Forum » The Smurfs & the talking parrots (Fanfiction story) (Page 3)
Author Topic: The Smurfs & the talking parrots (Fanfiction story)
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 07-26-2021 12:10 PM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Thank you Squaky Smurf [Big Grin]

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
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Smurfy welcome! [Wink]

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2021 09:38 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Episode 4
Part 1

Clumsy is sitting on Natalie’s hands. He is in a totally new place for him. They are in a corridor of some kind of human building somewhere in Warsaw. Natalie knocked on a door. A man, who opened it, seems to be the professor.
Professor: Miss Natalie Clarke?
Natalie: Yes. Good Morning.
Professor: Go inside. I see you have the smurf.
Clumsy: Good Morning!
Professor: Good morning. Can you give me him?

Natalie passed Clumsy on the professor’s hands.
Professor: Thank you. Now I’ll pass him on to my friend, who will make the tests. Stay here please.
Natalie: But where are you going to go with him, professor?
Professor: Just behind this door.

He showed the door with an inscription ‘No admission for unauthorized’.
Natalie: I have to see him, I’ll go with you, professor.
Professor: You can’t. Do you see the inscription on the door?
Natalie: Yes but I have to see him. I promised it Papa Smurf.
Professor: Can you read? We can’t do an exception for you.
Natalie: But I had written about it in the email and you agreed, professor. Papa Smurf said me to see him all the time.
Professor: I don’t care what Papa Smurf said!!

Clumsy started being afraid. The professor opened the door and wanted to go inside the room. Natalie tried to stop him.
Natalie: NO! I can’t leave him!

The professor pushed her away.
Professor: You must!

He closed the door. Clumsy hears Natalie screaming his name. In the room he saw the same fat man, who had caught him on the train station.
Clumsy: Natalie!!
Fat man: Nice to see you again.

He caught the smurf and put him in the same cage as before. Clumsy is so terrified.
Clumsy: You are liers, you promised that Natalie would be able to see me all the time!
Fat man: I didn’t promise anything.
Clumsy: What are you gonna smurf me? I wanna come back home!
Fat man: You will come back but not so quickly.
Clumsy: When?
Fat man: Hmmm… it may take us even 6 months if not longer.

Clumsy started crying.
Clumsy: 6 MONTHS? I can’t stand so long time without other smurfs!! You promised just one day!!
Fat man: I didn’t promise it.

He pulled out a big syringe.

He heard Natalie screaming too and trying to get inside but the door is closed. The fat man opened the cage and caught him again. He started bringing the syringe closer to him. Suddenly Clumsy felt a pain of falling on something hard. He woke up lying on the floor next to his bed in his own hut in the middle of night.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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I imagined that man wouldn't be reliable at all. Poor Clumsy! [Frown]

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 07-30-2021 09:30 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Episode 4
Part 2

(…) Clumsy woke up lying on his stomach next to his bed in the middle of the night. He heard knocking on his window. He stood up and saw Papa Smurf wearing a red pyjama and a hoodie holding a candle in his left hand. Suprised Clumsy opened the window.
Clumsy: Golly, what are you smurfin’ here, Papa Smurf?
Papa Smurf: Somesmurf was loud and I had to go to silence him. I was goin’ next to your hut and heard you screaming. Is everything ok?
Clumsy: I had a nightmare that we were deceived by people. They smurfed me from Natalie and I met the same man, who smurfed me on the train station. He put me in the cage again and said that I will be back home in about 6 months. Now I am afraid – what if we are really deceived?
Papa Smurf: It’s just a nightmare. Natalie promised to keep an eye on you. People shouldn’t do anything wrong to you… I hope.
Clumsy: Yeah, she wanted to see me… but they didn’t let her.
Papa Smurf: Close the window and go to sleep. I don’t want you to get a cold. Nights are cold yet, even for smurfs.
Clumsy: Ok, Good Night Papa Smurf!
Papa Smurf: Good Night.

Clumsy closed the window and went to sleep again.

Natalie is preparing to go with Clumsy. The smurf is already ready and came to her.
Clumsy: Hi, am I too early?
Natalie: Sorry, I didn’t expect you so quickly. But if you want, you can wait here for me.
Clumsy: All right. I came earlier because I wanted to talk a bit with you.
Natalie: Ok, but a bit later. I don’t wanna be late.

Clumsy is sitting on a cabinet. Natalie started putting shoes on.
Clumsy: I’m afraid if it is a good idea.
Natalie: You agreed to it.
Clumsy: Today I had a nightmare that the professor didn’t let you see me. I was smurfed to the cage by the man, who had smurfed me on the train station. He said me that I will come back home in about 6 months. What if we are really deceived?
Natalie: I can’t say if we are deceived but I’ll do everything to keep you safe.
Clumsy: But what if my nightmare is real?
Natalie: I had many nightmares too but many of ‘em weren’t real. For example one day I had to write two tests in a chemistry laboratory and make a chemical compound called ethyl formate. I’d had to learn a lot before that day and I was so stressed. The night before that day I had a nightmare that I failed everything and had to repeat. But I passed both tests and I was one of the first persons, who finished making the compound and could leave the labolatory. So, nightmares may be even the opposite of what’s gonna happen.

They looked at themselves. Clumsy still is afraid but a bit less.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 08-01-2021 02:16 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 3

Meanwhile Brainy is in his hut holding two plastic cups connected with a very long string. He is alone talking to himself.
Brainy: The first smurfone is ready. Now I need one smurf to check if this smurfs. Hmmm…. I’m sure Clumsy would agree but he isn’t in the village… So, I have to find someone else.

He left his hut and spoted Hefty running.
Brainy: Hi Hefty, can I ask you to help me…
Hefty: Don’t you see I’m trainin’?

He didn’t stop running, Brainy didn’t have time to reply. Then he spoted Handy.
Brainy: Handy, can you help me to check my newest investion?
Handy: I’m already busy with smurfing running water, I don’t have time for your investions.

He went further. Brainy spoted Greedy entering his kitchen.
Brainy: Can you help me checkin’ my invenstion?
Greedy: Sorry, I can’t because I’ll burn my cake.

Brainy startd being angry.
Brainy: Which smurf has time for me to help me?
He spoted Grouchy sitting on a bench with his arms crossed stretching his legs out forward and (as usual) frowning.
I know who will help me!
He came closer to Grouchy.
Hello, Grouchy!

Grouchy: I HATE hello’s.
Brainy: Do you have a bad day?
Grouchy: Yes.
Brainy: As you’re just sitting here, can you help me a bit with my newest investion?

He showed his ‘smurfone’ to Grouchy.
Grouchy: What is that?
Brainy: It’s smurfone. You’ll just keep one end and I’ll go somewhere. Then you’ll check if you here me speaking to you and you’ll reply speaking to it.

He gave Grouchy one end and went somewhere behind a nearby hut. Grouchy took a look at the cup like on something strange. Brainy behind the hut started speaking:
Do you hear me, Grouchy? Grouchy?
Grouchy heard nothing.
Grouchy?! I’m talikn’ to you! Grouchy!!!

Finally Grouchy herad the voice but behind the hut. He brought closer the cup to his face.
Grouchy: I HATE fake inventions.

Then Handy was coming back holding a tool bag. Suddenly he stumbled over the string. Grouchy left the end of the smurfone. Handy stood up and turned around to him.
Handy: Grouchy?! It was you? What do you think?
Grouchy: I HATE this.
Handy: So, why did you do it?

Then Brainy came back.
Grouchy: It’s Brainy’s invention.
Brainy: Grouchy! I was talking to you and you didn’t answer!
Grouchy: I HATE not hearing.
Handy: What is that, Brainy?
Brainy: It is the first smurfone. I’m sure it smurfs but Grouchy did something wrong.
Grouchy: I HATE ‘something wrong’.
Handy: But how should it smurf?
Brainy: You talk to the one end and the smurf on the second end should hear you.

Handy broke down in him.
Handy: Are you smurfed? This will never smurf.
Brainy: You’re just jealous that you aren’t the only one inventor in the village.

He put one end of his invention on his lips and one on his ear.
Brainy: One two one two… Hmmm… I have to fix something.
Handy: This will never smurf.
Brainy: You’re wrong. You’ll see – it’s the beginning of the new form of communication. We will be able to talk each other not even seen ourselves!
Handy: you’re really smurfed – it is impossible!
Brainy: It is possible!
Grouchy: I HATE quarrels.
Handy: You’re so crazy, someting like this will never smurf! Not mentiong that such form of communication is impossible.
Brainy: It is possible – Natalie is able.
Handy: Haha! You had to have a luxuriant imagination!

Grouchy can’t stand the quarel any longer and stood up.
Grouchy: I HATE meddling. It is possible but impossible for us. I and Clumsy were at Natalie’s home and we saw such things.
Brainy: If something is possible in general, it is possible for me too.
Handy: Are you sure that, what you saw?
Grouchy: I know what I saw with Clumsy. But I don’t believe that we can equal those people.
Brainy: You say this beacause you are pessimistic. I know, I’ll do it.
Grouchy: So, what do you say about maps, which you can open on every area and zooming it in or out? And you can smurf there to see how the streets look in real? It also is possible but do you really think we can make it? I HATE arguing pointlessly.

Handy and Brainy are shocked.
Handy: Grouchy is right, let’s stop arguing.
Brainy: Don’t you think that we should try to create such inventions? You’ll see – I’ll prove you all that I am able to create the smurfone!
Handy: If it is possible for us, I’ll make it faster than you.
Brainy: But you had said that you are already busy with your newest invention! You just don’t want any other investors in the village. You’re jealous.
Grouchy: I HATE ‘jealous’.
Handy: It’s just a waste of time, I’m comin’ back to my work.

They finished the quarrel and everybody went in own direction.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 08-02-2021 09:35 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 4

Natalie is already in the Faculty of Biology in the University of Warsaw. She stood before the closed door. Then she took off her backpack and opened it. There’s Clumsy inside.
Natalie: I forgot that bigger part of this faculty is closed even for students… I have to refind the email to see if there’s the numer where I should call…

She took out her phone but heard the professor behind her.
Professor: Miss Clarke? Good Morning.
Natalie: Good Morning.
Professor: Where’s the smurf?
Natalie: Here.

She took out scared Clumsy.
Clumsy: Morning.
Professor: Go with me, please.

He opened the door and they went to the room, where they were supposed to meet. Inside there a woman was sitting at a desk, who’s supposed to help in the researches. The professor sat next to her, Natalie sat on the opposite site of him still holding Clumsy in her hands.
Professor: Put him here on the desk.

Natalie did it. Clumsy is so afraid and wants to be as close to Natalie as possible.
Clumsy: I’m not sure if I’ll do it.
Professor: I’m not going to harm you. Come a bit closer.

He noticed how Clumsy is scared and said as calm as he could. The smurf timidly made few steps towards him. He's all shaking
Professor: Stand straight. It won’t hurt you, I’ll just measure you. …(after the first measurement)… 15 cm with the hat.

His assistant wrote it.
Woman: So, do we make another measurement without the hat?

Clumsy immediately caught his hat.
Clumsy: A smurf without a hat is not a smurf!
Woman: Ok, we won’t do it.

She said smiling at his reaction.
After the measurments the professor took a small syringe.

Professor: I promise it’s the only one thing what we’re gonna do, which may hurt you a little but it’s just a prick. Straighten your arm.
Clumsy isn’t sure about this.
I’ll just take blood. You’ll feel just a small prick.
Finally Clumsy gave him his arm.
It’s hard to find a vein because of blue skin but somehow we’ll do it.

Eventually he did it with some help of his assistant.
Woman: Now, we’ll ask some questions and after them you will be free. How many of you are there?
Clumsy: 100
Professor: Exactly 100?
Clumsy: Yeah, exactly 100.
Professor: Is there just one girl - Smurfette or more?
Clumsy: Just one, Smurfette.
Professor: And was she created by Gargamel?
Clumsy: Gee, yes. How do you know that?
Professor: It was in the comic books and in the cartoon. We’re checking how real they are.

Natalie and Clumsy are shocked how it is possible.
Woman: Are there any children?
Clumsy: No, we are adults.
Woman: There’s no even Baby Smurf?
Clumsy: Golly, there’s no such smurf as Baby.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 08-05-2021 06:35 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 5

Meanwhile in the Smurfs’ Village Brainy is keeping his ‘smurfone’ again. This time he knocked to Painter, who next opened the door.
Painter: Oui?
Brainy: Could you lend me some plasticine?
Painter: Oui, what’s color do you want?
Brainy: It doesn’t matter, it may be something rarely used by you. I just wanna fix my newest invenstion.
Painter: I rarely use the plasticine in general ‘cause my masterpieces are usually painted.

He went and took a package of the plasticine.
Painter: You can choose which one you want.

Brainy took a bit of one.
Brainy: Thank you. Can I ask you about one more thing? I’ll quickly fix my invenstion and can you help me to check if now it will be smurfing?
Painter: Oui but I don’t know how it should smurf.
Brainy: It’s easy, I’ll explain it to you.

He started covering the holes in the cups with the plasticine, which were made to connect the cups with the long string. During this time he also is explaing how his invention should work. After he finished, he gave one end of the ‘smurfone’ to Painter and came out. Next he made a semicircle around Painter’s hut and then he started speaking.
Brainy: Do you hear me, Painter?

Painter came closer to his window.
Painter: I hear you from here, not from the smurfone.
Brainy: So I’ll go further.

Behind Painter’s hut there’s a temporary trench made by Handy. Brainy went through it and disappeared behind another hut. Handy is driving his excavator but stopped after spoting the string on his way. He left the machine and came to Painter’s window.
Handy: Is it yours?
Painter: No, it’s Brainy’s invention.
Handy: BRAINY!!!!

Brainy came back.
Brainy: Somebody was calling me?
Handy: I had said you – you will never make it!
Brainy: Handy, Handy, Handy… please, stop being jealous. If we don’t try, we’ll never make the first smurfone. You are busy with smurfing running water, so I’ll be keepin’ trying to make the smurfone.
Handy: I’m not jealous but rationalist. Do you really think that something like this will ever smurf?
Brainy: We have to start with something.
Handy: But not with this!
Brainy: It is a prototype. I’ll improve it.
Handy: I’m not gonna argue with you again. I promise – as soon as Clumsy comes back, I’ll go to Natalie to see how her smurfone looks like and then I’ll try to make it! If it is possible for any of us, I’ll be the first one.

He went back to work.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 08-06-2021 08:44 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 6

Hopefully Natalie and Clumsy left the room, where the professor made some examinings without any bigger troubles. Natalie checked the time.
Natalie: I won’t be on time if I come back home to bring you to the village and return here for my classes.
Clumsy: Gee, how long are they?
Natalie: 1,5 hour. I have to skip them one more time, I don’t wanna stress you.
Clumsy: If I can, I can go with you. From what I heard you’ve already skipped many classes… because of us, smurfs.
Natalie: I’m not sure if it is a good idea. Don’t you be afraid of people?
Clumsy: Um, well… now they know that we exist… and your friends seemed to be ok. So, I can go.

Finally Natalie decided to go with Clumsy. She still prefers keeping him in her rucksack, so she put him inside and went to another faculty. Later at location there also was one of Natalie’s friends. Clumsy heard her famillar voice and decited to say hello too trying to leave the rucksack. Natalie helped him.
Studymate3: Clumsy? What are you doin here? (to Natalie) And why are you keepin’ him in your rucksack?
Natalie: Before the classes we had a meeting to make the first scientific desription of smurfs. I didn’t want to be so eye-catching with him, so he was in my rucksack but don’t worry – he had the air to breathe.

Soon she spoted her other friends upcoming, so she wanted to put Clumsy into her rucksack again.
Studymate3: Do you really want to keep him there? You don’t have to, we all know about smurfs.
Natalie: Um…
Studymate5: Hi. Is it a smurf?
Natalie: Um, yes…

Natalie was in the spotlight despide she doesn’t like it. Most of her friends asked her about Clumsy. Finally they all entered the room. Natalie put Clumsy on a windowsill next to her. Mrs Doctor was really suprised seeing the smurf and she let being him this one time.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 08-08-2021 10:26 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 7


Brainy visited Papa Smurf holding his ‘smurfone’ in his hands. They are in the laboratory.
Brainy: Papa Smurf, I have a problem. I made the first smurfone and it doesn’t smurf!
Papa Smurf: What are you smurfin’ about? How does it should smurf?
Brainy: You speak to the one end of this and the smurf on the other end should hear you. Handy says that it will never smurf but I know he is wrong…
Papa Smurf: And Handy is right. It will never smurf.
Brainy: Um, well… it’s just a prototype.

They hear knocking and Clumsy enters the laboratory. After opening the door, the nearby shelfs shaked but nothing happened.
Clumsy: Hello, I’m back!

Papa Smurf felt relieved.
Papa Smurf: I’m so glad you are ok. How was it?
Clumsy: Um, I was so scared… But it wasn’t so scary as I thought. Brainy, what is it?
Brainy: It’s a smurfone, Clumsy.
Clumsy: Gee, it isn’t simillar to this one, which has Natalie at all.
Brainy: Because it’s just a prototype. It will be improved.
Papa Smurf: I don’t think you will make it, Brainy.
Brainy: Why everybody doubts me? Handy said that as soon as Clumsy came back, he would go to Natalie to see her smurfone.
Clumsy: Golly, but I’m already back!

Handy as he promised, he made a visit to Natalie. It is his first time, he had never been there before. He went through the portal and entered her room. First he spoted three parrots sitting on the perch – Snowball, Szery and Artur. They spoted him too.
Artur: I’ve never seen this smurf before.
Snowball: Me neither.

Handy doen’t know what to do. Natalie heard the parrots’ conversation and came to them.
Natalie: Gee, hello. What are you doin’ here?
Handy: I wanted to ask you some questions… How does smurfone look like?
Natalie: um… what do you mean?
Handy: Is it true that you are able to contact with others being far away?
Natalie: Yes, I already know what you mean. You meant mobile phone. Why are you asking?
Handy: I’d like to create it too…
Natalie: But… you don’t have electricity at all… not mentiong that your newest invention is the running water… it’s a long way.
Handy: But I can try. What is the electricity?
Natalie: Um… it’s a basic thing to create a phone. Without this, it is impossible.
Handy: So, I’ll start with this. How does it smurf?

Natalie looked at him like he was crazy.
Natalie: Are you really sure? Even I don’t know the details how.
Handy: Can’t you just show me?
Natalie: What to show you?
Handy: I even don’t know what is the electricity.
Natalie: And you want this in the village? Maybe I’ll show you how to use the Internet on a mobile phone and we’ll google basic information about how the electricity works…
Handy: I don’t really understand but ok.

In this way Natalie learnt him some things about it. To her suprise, Handy was so interested. She didn’t know it will take so long. After noticing that he knows the basics of using, she let him searching alone while she was studying.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 08-11-2021 02:42 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 8

During searching the Internet Handy took some notes. Finally he finished.
Handy: Thank you so much for letting me learning here. Now I’ll think how to do it in the village.
Natalie: Are you crazy? I thought that you’d change your opinion…
Handy: No, I really wanna do it.
Natalie: It may be even dangerous.
Handy: Don’t overdo it. Thanks again, bye.

He went trough the portal. Natalie doesn’t know what to think about it – is he so crazy?

After Handy’s return to the village, he started creating the plan how to start realizing his new idea. It wasn’t easy but he tried to analyze each detail. Because in the final result only the Smurfs’ Village is supposed to have the electricity, the planned power station would be quite small. After finishing creating the plan, Handy started realizing it. He began building the power station off the beaten path of the village behind Grouchy’s hut. Handy was so hard-working, he wanted to finish it as quick as possible but also good. He was working long hours, even in the night disturbing other smurfs…
During one of those nights, one of the smurfs living near the building power station, looked out his window.

The smurf: Handy, please STOP! It’s night, I’m not able to sleep!

Grouchy looked out too.
Grouchy: I HATE not being able to sleep!
Handy: I’m sorry, but I’m working!

The days were passing, Handy hasn’t had any bigger problems and everything is as planned so far.
One afternoon Smurfette passed Grouchy, who was watering his flowers.

Smurfette: Hello. You have so pretty flowers.

Grouchy felt a bit confused because he doesn’t like talking about thngs, which he likes.
Grouchy: Um… I hate… being sleepy.
Smurfette: Couldn’t you sleep at night?
Grouchy: It’s hard to sleep when Handy starts building something behind your house.

Suddenly they both heard a scream.
Smurfette: Did you hear that? It sounded like Handy. I’ll check if everything is ok.

She went and saw Handy holding his right hand and panting in pain.
Smurfette: Handy!! What’s smurfed to you?
Handy: I think I’m smurfed by electricity.
Smurfette: I don’t know what you mean, but I think you should go to Doctor.
Handy: I think so… ouch.

They both went in the direction of the hospital.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 08-12-2021 01:21 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
I know, it's a short chapter [Big Grin]

Part 9

Doctor and Papa Smurf are in the hospital trying to help Handy.
Papa Smurf: I see this case for the first time in my life.
Handy: Am I gonna be ok?
Papa Smurf: I don’t know. I don’t even understand what’s smurfed to you.
Handy: What does happen to me if you won’t help me?
Papa Smurf: It’s hard to say ‘cause it’s the first case in the Smurfs’ Village. I didn’t find anything even in my books. Maybe you’ll be ok, but it also may be even the worst…

Handy panted.
Handy: So, Natalie was right… it could be dangerous.
Papa Smurf: So, Natalie knew something about your invention?
Handy: I wanted to make the same invention like people of her world.
Papa Smurf: So, they should know this case…
Doctor Smurf: What are we gonna do?
Papa Smurf: There’s an option to try to ask ‘em for help but it can be dangerous.
Doctor Smurf: I don’t think it is a good idea… They can do everything.
Papa Smurf: I know. I’ll try to search more books but I really doubt we can find something helpful. Next I’ll think what to smurf.


Sorry for my English ;)
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It's a small detail but I found a time mistake in the part 8 - there where is "One afternoon Smurfette passed Grouchy, who was watering his flowers." should be "One (late) morning (...)". It doesn't really matter when exactly it was but next chapters take just one day - there are big troubles and they last until the evening.

Chapter 5.1
Papa Smurf is standing searching his book in the hospital. Next to him there’s Doctor Smurf helplessly looking at Handy, who’s sitting on the hospital bed.
Papa Smurf: It’s the first case when even I don’t know what to do.
Doctor Smurf: We can’t just leave him like this.

Papa Smurf came closer to Handy and checked his hand.
Papa Smurf: Is it gettin’ better or even worse?
Handy: I think worse… like slowly I’d stop feeling but I’m not sure.
Papa Smurf: Doctor, go for Clumsy, I’ll stay with Handy.
Doctor Smurf: What? But he is even more helpless.
Papa Smurf: I wanna talk with him. He’s got the biggest experience in the second world.
Doctor Smurf: Ok.

He left the hospital to look for Clumsy. Next to the exit there’s Smurfette.
Smurfette: And what’s with Handy?
Doctor Smurf: Bad. Now, I have to find Clumsy.

Then he heard the voice behind him.
Clumsy: Gee, are you lookin’ for me?
Doctor Smurf: Yes, come with me.

They both entered the hospital. Meantime Hefty approached Smerfette.
Hefty: Is everything ok? Why are you so sad?
Smurfette: I’m worried about Handy… something bad smurfed to him and he is in the hospital…
Hefty: Do you know what smurfed?
Smurfette: No, I just know it’s not good.
Hefty: Uh… I found you to invite you for a picnic but I see, maybe it’s not a good time.
Smurfette: When would it be?
Handy: Today afternoon.
Smurfette: I can go, thanks for the invitation.

Meantime in the hospital:
Doctor Smurf: I’ve already come back with Clumsy.
Clumsy: Gosh, what’s smurfed to Handy?
Papa Smurf: I’d like to know it too. He says that he’s smurfed by electricity. Could you say me details how it was when people were examinin’ you?
Clumsy: Um… They measured me, took blood and asked me some questions.
Papa Smurf: Did they want you something bad? Or maybe they sounded like they wanted to do unsmurfy thing?
Clumsy: Um, nope. I was so scared but they sounded quite nice. Why are you askin’?
Papa Smurf: I know, it’s dangerous, because each person is other but I think that we have to ask people for help. First we’ll ask Natalie, maybe she has a doctor in her family.
Clumsy: Gee, why do you wanna ask people? You two know medicine very well.
Doctor Smurf: Unfortunetely we aren’t able to help Handy. It’s the first case in the village.

Finally they decided to go to Natalie to ask her for help.

Sorry for my English ;)
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 - : Whew! I wasn't expecting that. [Eek!]
Cool job, Rozalka! Keep on smurfing! [Wink]

Keep on always smurfin'!!

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Icon 1 posted 08-14-2021 06:16 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Thank you Squeaky [Smile]

Chapter 5.2

Clumsy, Handy, Doctor and Papa Smurf made the vist to Natalie.
Papa Smurf: We need help. Do you know personally some doctor?
Natalie: No, what’s happened?
Papa Smurf: Probably Handy is smurfed by electricity. Can you take us to any doctor?
Natalie: But… do you really trust people?
Papa Smurf: No, but it’s the only hope for Handy. We don’t know how to help him and it’s gettin’ worse.
Natalie: I’m not sure where I should go… and if they would like to help you.
Papa Smurf: You can go to the nearest hospital.
Natalie: Are you really sure? People may not agree.
Papa Smurf: We can’t leave Handy like this, we really need help.

Handy pants in pain.
Natalie: Ok, but it’s on your responsibility.
Papa Smurf: Ok.

Natalie is waiting in a queue.
Receptionist: Next one please.

Natalie approached.
Natalie: Hello, I… um…
Receptionist: Yes?
Natalie: Hmm… Um… I’d like to ask… if… um…
Receptionist: Please, say or leave the reception, you’re just wasting other people’s time.
Natalie: So… could you, um…

Papa Smurf left Natalie’s pocket and stood before the receptionist.
Papa Smurf: I’ll say it. Could you help us heal Handy Smurf?

Every person near the reception is really shocked.
Receptionist: No, we heal people, not smurfs.
Papa Smurf: But here’s no hospital for smurfs and we really need help.
Receptonist: So, build your own hospital!

Doctor Smurf looked out of the second Natalie’s pocket.
Doctor Smurf: But we already have own hospital!
Papa Smurf: I and Doctor are the only smurfs, who know medicine and we aren’t able to smurf… I mean deal with this case.
Receptionist (to Natalie): What do you think? You don’t wanna talk about your parrots in public, next you don’t wanna give one smurf just for few examinings, but when one of the smurfs needs help, you’re expecting our help? From what I know you didn’t want any more our contacts with smurfs.
Natalie: I didn’t decide about it.
Papa Smurf: It was my idea. We agreed for the examinings, why don’t you help us? I know, probably you’d like to get more information about us… It’s a good moment – you could help us and learn something more.

There’s coming a man, who works in the hospital too.
Man: We don’t take any smurfs. It’s the hospital for PEOPLE.

There’s coming a human doctor.
(Human) doctor: I can take him.
Papa Smurf: Really? We’ll be grateful.
(Human) doctor: Yes, I’m Doctor Kowalczyk and I’ll see if I will be able to help you.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 08-16-2021 10:08 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Chapter 5.3

Finally the hospital agreed to take Handy as a patient. Doctor Kowalczyk examined him. Doctor Smurf was accompanying them to see what the human doctor was doing. It’s the first time for both smurfs to be on this world apart from Natalie’s home and they were shocked seing the human technology. Finally Doctor Kowalczyk said to wait for the results and then he’ll say what to do. For now, he brought them and Natalie with Clumsy and Papa Smurf to one of the rooms.
Doctor Kowalczyk: It may take a long time, even until tomorrow. Because at this moment we don’t have many patients, we can allow ourselves to give you a bed.

In the rooms there are two other patients, who are shocked seeing the smurfs.
Doctor Kowalczyk: I hope you don’t mind the untypical patient?
One of the patients: No, we don’t.

Doctor Kowalczyk came back to the four smurfs and Natalie.
Doctor Kowalczyk: I have bad news. The condition is very bad and probably the only solution is amputation.

Natalie, Handy, Doctor and Papa Smurf don’t believe what they heard.
Clumsy: Gee, what’s the amputation?
Doctor Smurf: This have never smurfed to any smurf and it can’t smurf to Handy!!!
Doctor Kowalczyk: I’m sorry but we don’t see any other solution. We will be trying to find another solution until tomorrow morning. If we don’t find, then we’ll amputate Handy’s hand.
Doctor Smurf: Thanks to you, I understood some things… I can help you.
Doctor Kowalczyk: We aren’t able to find the other solution, so what about you? You aren’t able even more.
Doctor Smurf: I am a doctor too and I’m not gonna let to amputate Handy’s hand without trying to prevent it!
Doctor Kowalczyk: I don’t forbid you to try. I just doubt. You have time until tomorrow morning.

He left the room.
Papa Smurf (to Doctor Smurf): I’ll return to the village to take some Handy’s things and something to eat for you both.
(To Clumsy) You, Clumsy aren’t necessary here, so you’ll go with and stay at home.
Doctor Smurf: But… I need you… You must help me in finding the solution. I’ll say you what I learnt here.
Papa Smurf: I’ll return and I’ll stay here to help you. I hope, you Natalie agree to return here with me?
Natalie: Yes, I do.
Doctor Smurf: But… It may take a long time and we don’t have it. You are much better doctor than me. Don’t you remember? I almost killed you!*
Natalie: What?
Papa Smurf: It had been many years ago. Now you are a real doctor as good as me. Anyway, I’ll return and I’ll help you.

Natalie took Clumsy and Papa Smurf.
Clumsy: I whish you well. Bye.
Handy: Thank you. Bye.

After Natalie, Clumsy and Papa Smurf left the room, Doctor Smurf started thinking.
Doctor Smurf: Excuse me, can you lend me sheet of paper?
One of the patient: Yes, I can.

He pulled the sheet out and gave him.
Doctor Smurf: Thank you. Handy, can you lend me your pencil?
Handy: Sure.

He gave the pencil, which he always has behind his ear.
Doctor Smurf: Thanks.

Doctor Smurf started making notes of his thoughts trying to find the solution how to help Handy.

*The past of Doctor is based on Doctor Smurf comic book

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 08-17-2021 07:26 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Warning: It's the first chapter with bigger amount of blood.

Chapter 5.4
Meantime in the forest near the Smurfs’ Village, 5 smurfs have the mentioned before picnic. Grouchy is sitting with the crossed arms between Smurfette and sleeping Lazy. On the oposite them there are sitting Hefty and Brainy.
Smurfette: I like being in the forest, from time to time with just few smurfs.
Hefty: I don’t mind other smurfs but some of them are sometimes irritanting.
Brainy: Yeah, here we don’t hear Jokey’s exploding gifts…
Grouchy: I HATE exploding gifts.
Smurfette: We don’t have to listen how Harmony plays out of tune…
Grouchy: I HATE playing out of tune.
Smurfette: Instead of it we hear singing birds…
Grouchy: And Lazy’s snoring?

He showed Lazy, who’s sleeping and snoring.
Hefty: Finally, I don’t have to listen Poet…
Smurfette: What do you mind Poet?
Hefty: In general I don’t mind him, but recently he often tries to say me his poems while I wanna train.

Suddenly they heard a loud scream. Then they saw Scaredy running.
Scaredy: Ghost!! Ghost!! Smurf smurfself!!

Brainy stood up.
Brainy: Scaredy, Scaredy, Scaredy… Papa Smurf always says ‘Ghosts do not exist’. And as Papa Smurfs says it, ghosts don’t exist.
Scaredy: Look, there’s the ghost!! Aaaa!

He ran away. Then the other smurfs saw the ghost higher than themselves.
Brainy: Ghost!
Grouchy: I HATE ghosts.

Then the smurfs ran away to hide behind the nearby bushes. Only Lazy is still sleeping. The first one to spot his absent is Smurfette. Behind her there’s just Grouchy, she turned around to him.
Smurfette: Where’s Lazy?

Grouchy peeked out from behind the bushes.
Grouchy: He stayed.
In the first moment he thought that somebody else would go for him, but he saw how other smurfs are scared. He decided to go for him.
Wake up.
Lazy is still sleeping. Grouchy shaked him.
Lazy, wake up.

Finally Lazy opened his eyes.
Lazy: Is it the end of the picnic? Let me sleep more. Zzzz…
Grouchy: I HATE waking but we have to run!

It was too late, Lazy had fallen asleep again. The ghost is closer and closer.
Ghost: Boooo. Run Grouchy Smurf or it’s your end.

Grouchy recognised a famillar voice and looked at the ghost’s bottom. He spoted something woody sticking out from under the ghost’s white cover. The ghost came closer.
Grouchy: I HATE jokes.

He streched out his leg. The ghost stumbled and started losing its balance.
Ghost (in Jokey voice): Grouchy! You have no sense of humor!
Brainy: I knew it! I knew it, it was just Jokey!
Smurfette: Oh, no! He’s gonna bump into thorn bushes!

Jokey can’t control himself and bumped into the thorn bushes. It was so painfull for him.
Jokey: Ouch! It’s not funny at all!

He’s trying to stand but isn’t able to get off the bushes. Smurfette, Brainy, Hefty and Grouchy came closer to see if everything is ok. Hefty tries to help Jokey to get off.
Smurfette: Oh no, he is injured!

The smurfs noticed red stains on the ghost disguise.
Jokey: Ouch, help, it hurts so much!

Brainy started helping too. Ufortunetely the thorns are sharp and every Jokey’s move causes more wounds. Smurfette can’t look any longer.
Smurfette: Oh no, there’s a lot of blood!
Grouchy: I HATE a lot of blood.
Brainy: It’s your fault Grouchy!
Grouchy: I HATE my fault… I’ll go for Doctor.

He went in the direction of the village. Hefty and Brainy are still helping Jokey to get off the bushes. Smerfette looked around.
Smurfette: Grouchy went for Doctor?
Brainy: Yes, each second counts!
Smurfette: But Doctor isn’t in the village! I’ll go to say him.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 08-18-2021 02:49 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Chapter 5.5

Grouchy got into the hospital and he’s looking for Doctor Smurf.
Grouchy: Doctor? I HATE looking for Doctor!
Doctor?! Doctor?! I HATE useless screaming.

He searched the hospital and went out. In th exit he saw Smurfette.
Smurfette: I wanted to say you, Doctor isn’t in the village.
Grouchy: So, I’ll go for Papa Smurf.
Smurfette: He’s not in the village neither. I saw them both with Handy and Clumsy going to Natalie.
Grouchy: I HATE when Doctor and Papa Smurf aren’t in the village in need!
Smurfette: Where are you goin’?
Grouchy: To Natalie.
Smurfette: But I don’t know if they are there. Handy may need other people’s help.
Grouchy: Brainy stayed with Jokey, wasn’t he?
Smufette: Yeah.
Grouchy: He may kill him. Do you remember how Brainy wanted to transplant a ‘funny bone’*?

They reached to the portal.
Smurfette: Can I go with you?
Grouchy: Sure.

They went through the portal. In Natalie’s room there are just three parrots: Szery, Artur and Snowball. Artur flew down to the smurfs.
Artur: You’re probably Smurfette?
Smurfette: Yes, how did you know it?
Artur: Well, you are the only smurf girl. My name is Artur.

Szery flew down too.
Szery: And I am Szery, and she’s Snowball.
Smurfette: I wanted to ask – do you know where are Doctor and Papa Smurf?
Szery: They went to a hospital.
Smurfette: To human hospital? We need one of them.
Szery: I think, you have to wait.
Grouchy: I HATE waiting.
Smurfette: It’s urgent. One of smurfs is injured and he’s already lost a lot of blood.
Snowball: We can just call Natalie and we’ll see what she’ll say.
Smurfette: I don’t really unerstand?
Snowball: Just wait a moment.

She flew to another room and came back with Natalie’s mother. Mrs Clarke put her phone on the floor.
Mrs Clarke: I’ll let you to call Natalie, talk to her.

She chose the right telephone number and set hands-free mode. Natalie answered.
Smurfette: Hi, it’s me and Grouchy, we need Doctor or Papa Smurf!
Natalie: Papa Smurf is with me, we’re already coming back and we should be in 10 minutes. What’s happened?
Smurfette: Jokey had an accident. We’ll wait for you.
Natalie: Ok, We’ll be soon. Bye.
Grouchy: 10 minutes?! In so much time, Jokey will be dead!
Szery: You shoud be happy, that it’s JUST 10 minutes. We live in the capital city.
Grouchy: I HATE being happy, especially in such terrible moments.
Artur: Are you EVER happy?
Grouchy: I HATE talking about myself.
Smurfette: It’s very rare, but sometimes yes.

*Based on "Jokey's Funny Bone" cartoon episode

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 08-20-2021 02:07 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Chapter 5.6

Meantime Jokey already got off the bushes. He is without his disguise of the ghost. Hefty is trying to stop the bleeding. Brainy is just standing with his book.
Hefty: Oh no, it’s getting worse!
Bainy: Because you're doin' it wrong. If you had read my book ‘The First Aid by Brainy Smurf’, you’d have known what to do.
Hefty: So, why won’t you help? And what wrong am I doin’, I’m doin’ what you said!
Brainy: Maybe you’re doin’ it too weak.
Hefty: Too weak??? I’m the strongest smurf!
Brainy: Hefty, Hefty, Hefty… The fact that you are the strongest smurf, doesn’t mean you do everything right, because you need knowledge too. And as Papa Smurf always says…
He’s kicked off.
Brainy: Maybe he wants to kill Jokey.

Hefty is still trying to help Jokey.
Hefty: I don’t know what to do… I think we should go to the hospital. I know, there’s no Doctor but I could find something useful.
Jokey (in a weak voice): But I don’t feel strong enough to go.
Hefty: I’ll carrry you.

He took Jokey on his arms and carried him.

Grouchy and Smurfette are waiting sitting on Natalie’s bed.

Grouchy: It’s already been 10 minutes. For so long time probably Jokey is dead…
Smurfette: Don’t be so pessimistic.

They hear opening the door. Natalie returned with Clumsy and Papa Smurf. Grouchy and Smurfette jumped from the bed.
Papa Smurf: Where’s Jokey?
Smurfette: We’ll bring you to him. Quickly.

Clumsy decided to go with them to see what’s happened. The four smurfs got to the accident place.
Smurfette: No! Jokey had been here!
Clumsy: Gosh, I hope this bood isn’t his?
Grouchy: I HATE blood.
Smurfette: Unfortunetely it’s his… he had been there. I’ll ask Lazy if he knows something.
Grouchy: Probably he was sleeping all the time.

Smurfette came closer to Lazy and woke up him.
Smurfette: Lazy, do you know where’s Jokey?
Lazy: No, I was sleeping all the time… zzzzz…
Grouchy: I told you so?
Smurfette: Do you think Jokey… is still alive? It looks like he lost of blood *sniff*

Then they heard Brainy behind them.

Brainy: Hefty took Jokey to the hospital. I wanted to help him but he didn’t let me go inside.
Papa Smurf: So, we must go there.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 08-21-2021 07:30 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Note: In this chapter some things are limited just to dialogues not mentiong what the charecters do exactly. It's because I didn't want to describe the details. However it's just a story, not a movie/series, so you can imagine the scenes with less or bigger amount of blood. Originally when I was creating this chapter scene I thought about not showing Jokey at all because of his terrible condition - we just know he is lying on the bed and others are helping.

Chapter 5.7

Meantime in the hospital Hefty is taking care of Jokey. Jokey is weaker and weaker.
Hefty: Jokey please, don’t leave us!
Jokey is too weak and closed his eyes. Hefty started panicking and trying to bring him back.
Jokey, NO!
Then he saw how Papa Smurf got into the hospital room and immediately he ran up to him.
PAPA SMURF! Jokey has just losen consiousness!

Behind Papa Smurf there are Brainy, Clumsy, Grouchy and Smurfette. Immediately Papa Smurf checked Jokey’s pulse.
Papa Smurf: He is still alive…

He didn’t finish the sentence because Clumsy hit a cupboard with some glass things. Hopefully everything just shaked. Clumsy is glad.
Clumsy: Golly, I didn’t break anything!
Papa Smurf: I think you should leave the room. We have no time for mistakes. In general only 2 smurfs are enough to help me.
Smurfette: So, I’ll go out too, I can’t stand sight of blood well enough.
Brainy: Papa Smurf is right – here are too many smurfs. This is a place for such smurf like me, who will be smart enough to help and…
Papa Smurf: We don’t have time for endless speeches! You’ll go out too.
Brainy: But… why? Ok, Papa Smurf.

The three smurfs left the hospital. Then Grouchy looked around confused and noticed that only he and Hefty stayed with Papa Smurf and Jokey.
Grouchy: So… Am I supposed to stay here?
Papa Smurf: Yes. Hefty, hold tight here.

(Hefty did. The details of helping aren’t shown.)
Papa Smurf: He lost too much blood. Grouchy, could I take blood from you for Jokey?
Grouchy: I HATE taking blood, but to save Jokey – yes.
Papa Smurf: Hefty, will you be able to hold here and here?
Hefty: Sure.

Papa Smurf took blood from Grouchy and next he put a drip next to Jokey. He with the help of Hefty and Grouchy, finished clearing and dressing the wounds. Papa Smurf checked the pulse again.
Papa Smurf: It doesn’t look good. He has even weaker pulse than before.
Hefty: Does it mean… we may lose him?
Papa Smurf: I don’t know if he will survive… Unfortunetely the worst thing may happen.
Grouchy: I HATE the worst thing.

A moment of silence. A tear flowed from Hefty’s eye.
Papa Smurf: Jokey will need more blood, because it’s not enough. Hefty, could I take?
Hefty: Sure.

Papa Smurf did the same thing like with Grouchy. Then they heard Greedy’s bell.
Papa Smurf: My smurfness, is it already supper time? I promised Doctor to go back to him… I’ll go to Handy’s hut to pack his things. Hefty, could you stay here to keep an eye on Jokey?
Hefty: Sure.
Papa Smurf: Grouchy, can you go to the canteen and ask Greedy to prepare some sandwiches for Handy and Doctor? You can take the supper for yourself and for Hefty.
Grouchy: Ok.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 08-22-2021 05:45 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Chapter 5.8

Grouchy went into the canteen. Greedy spoted him taking two portions.
Greedy: Why are you takin’ two portions?
Grouchy: One is for Hefty. Papa Smurf asked you to make few sandwiches for Doctor and Handy.
Greedy: Ok, but what’s happened with Hefty?
Grouchy: He is watching over Jokey.

He wanted to go out but he was spoted by Smurfette. Next to her there are sitting Clumsy and Brainy.
Smurfette: And how is Jokey?
Grouchy: I HATE how is Jokey. He is still unconscious and may smurf.

He went out. Smurfette, Brainy and Clumsy looked at themselves terrified.
Clumsy: Gosh, it doesn’t sound well.

Smurfette is walking in the village and spoted Weepy Smurf crying.
Smurfette: What’s happened, Weepy? Why are you crying?
Weepy: Because it’s so terrible… Handy may lose his hand and Jokey may smurf!

He burst into crying. Next to him there’s Painter painting.
Painter: It would become quiet in the village without Jokey. Voilà! I’ve just finished my masterpizza.

He showed his painting presenting happy Jokey holding his gift.
Painter: I hope Jokey will be able to see dat.

Then they heard Poet.
Poet: And I’ve just finished my poem: The Ode to Handy and Jokey…

He started reading his newest poem. Weepy hearing about the last Jokey’s exploding gift coudn’t restrain and burst into crying again.
Weepy: It makes me crying even more!

He’s keeping on crying.
Smurfette: It’s not sure. Everything may finish fine. Handy doesn’t have to lose his hand and Jokey doesn’t have to smurf.
Weepy: But they may!!

He burst on crying again. Then Papa Smurf came holding a rucksack.
Papa Smurf: What’s happened here?
Weepy: Two smurfs in the hospitals is too many… We may even lose Jokey.

He is still crying.
Papa Smurf: Maybe somebody of you would like to go to Handy and Doctor? Unfortunetely I have to stay here because of Jokey condition.

Then they heard Clumsy coming.
Clumsy: I can!
Papa Smurf: Are you sure?
Clumsy: Even you said that I have the biggest experience on the second world. And I am the only smurf, who has flown on a parrot.
Papa Smurf: Hmm… I wasn’t thinking about flying, but it sounds like a quicker way. It’s late and I’d prefer your quicker return. You can ask Natalie and her parrots for it.
Clumsy: Ok!

Papa Smurf gave him the rucksack.
Papa Smurf: Here are some things for Handy and Doctor, including sandwiches.
Clumsy: Ok.

He started going towards the portal.
Painter: I don’t think it is a good idea.
Papa Smurf: Clumsy! Please, be careful.

Clumsy looked back.
Clumsy: Sure, Papa Smurf!

…and he fell down stumbling over a rock. Weepy starts crying again.
Weepy: Oh no, I don’t want the third injured smurf!
Clumsy: Don’t worry, I’m fine!

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 08-23-2021 06:52 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Chapter 5.9

Clumsy went through the portal. Natalie spoted him.
Clumsy: Hi.
Natalie: Hi, I was thinking about you… What with Papa Smurf?
Clumsy: Unfortunetely Jokey is unconscious in a very bad condition. Papa Smurf decided to stay with him and I’ll carry Handy’s things. Maybe one of your parrots would agree to carry me to the hospital?
Natalie: Hmm… I’m not sure about it, but we can ask ‘em.

She looked at Snowball and Artur. A moment of quiet. Then she went with Clumsy to other parrots.
Natalie: Anybody wants to carry Clumsy to the hospital?

The macaws just looked at themselves. Lora (a red parrot smaller then macaws) looked at Rainbow (a green-blue-and-red parrot the same size as Lora).
Lora: I don’t think it was a question to us? I even wouldn’t be able to do it.
Rainbow: I think it was asked to others.

Then Wojtek flew closer to Natalie and Clumsy.
Wojtek: I’d like to inform you, it is very uncomfortable for a parrot to have something on the back. Furthermore we don’t know where is the hospital.

Natalie took her mobile phone and opened Google Maps.
Natalie: I can show you where is the hospital. Clumsy already was there today. Do you remember how does it look like?
Clumsy: Um… I think yes. Gee, this map looks the same like this on the com… um…
Natalie: Because it is the same map, just on another device. If Wojtek remembered just a way of flying, you would say him which building is the hospital.
Wojtek: I didn’t say I’ll fly with him!
Clumsy: Sorry for pulling your feathers… It was accidentally.
Wojtek: Ugh… Ok, I’ll do it.

He remembered the way. Natalie opened the window and Wojtek flew away with Clumsy on his back.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 08-24-2021 07:02 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Chapter 5.10

Wojtek is flying with Clumsy on his back.
Clumsy: There’s the hospital!
Wojtek: Now the question is ‘which window’?
Clumsy: Gee, I don’t know.

Wojtek started flying trying to look into inside to see where are the smurfs.
Meantime one of Handy’s roommates spoted the parrot.

Patient: Do I see well? There’s a parrot?
Doctor Smurf: It may be Natalie’s parrot. Please, open the window.

Wojtek is tired of flying.
Wojtek: I can’t fly any longer…
Clumsy: Look, there!

They spoted the man and Doctor Smurf in the window.
Doctor Smurf: Here!

Wojtek flew into inside and landed next to Doctor Smurf on the locker. Clumsy got off him.
Clumsy: Hi!
Doctor Smurf: Clumsy??! It was supposed to be Papa Smurf!
Clumsy: The plans were changed…
Doctor Smurf: You’re walking on my notes.
Clumsy: Whoops, sorry…

He steped back not looking behind him…
Doctor Smurf: Look out!

…and Clumsy fell from the locker on Handy’s pillow.
Handy: Are you ok?
Clumsy: Yes, it was a soft fall. I have your things. And there are sandwiches for you both.

He took off the rucksack and gave Handy.
Handy: Thank you, but what’s happened with Papa Smurf?
Clumsy: Um… Unfortunetely Jokey had an accident too.
Doctor Smurf: What?
Clumsy: He fell into thorn bushes and lost a lot of blood.. Now he is unconscious and may even smurf away…
Wojtek: Do you mean – he may pass away?
Clumsy: Unfortunetely Yes.
Wojtek: I didn’t know that part…
Clumsy: Because of Jokey’s condition, Papa Smurf decided to stay with him in the village.

Handy and Doctor Smurf are shocked and don’t know what to say about that.
Doctor Smurf: Poor Jokey.
Clumsy: And what’s with Handy? Do you know what to do?
Doctor Smurf: I’m trying… but I can’t think up anything…
Clumsy: But Handy can’t lose his hand…

He and Handy looked at each other sadly.
Wojtek: We should return before it gets dark.
Clumsy: I know… I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. Goodbye.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 08-25-2021 08:04 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Chapter 5.11

In the Smurfs’ Village Papa Smurf, Grouchy and Hefty are accompanying unconsious Jokey.
Papa Smurf: The pulse is as weak as before. I can’t leave him in this condition for a night. In each moment he may smurf away…
Hefty: There’s no way we could help more?
Papa Smurf: We did everything… The only left thing is to control his health. I’ll stay with him for the night.
Hefty: Are you gonna not sleeping all the night? I can help you – then we could devide our time.
Papa Smurf: It’s nice how you care about Jokey. Originally I wanted to do it alone but if you really want – we can do so.
Hefty: I don’t know how Grouchy…
Grouchy: I HATE not sleeping in the night.
Hefty: It was just a sugestion.

Grouchy came closer to Jokey and looked at him. Next he turned his back on others for a moment. Few tears flowed from his eyes.
Grouchy: I HATE this what I smurfed to Jokey… I can agree…
Papa Smurf: So, I’ll devide today night on three parts. If any of you see anything disturbing, please wake up me immediately. Now I will have to find another smurf to take blood, because I see it still isn’t enough.

Outside it’s getting dark. Papa Smurf went out to look for a willing smurf. He approached Painter who’s painting Vanity.
Papa Smurf: Isn’t here too dark for you to painting?
Painter: Vanity wanted to make his portrait in the moon light.
Vanity: I must be so beautiful…
Papa Smurf: I have a question – would you like to donate blood for Jokey?
Vanity: I’m sorry, after taking blood I may be too pale.
Painter: I haven’t finished my masterpizza yet.
Papa Smurf: You could finish later.
Painter: Later probably I wouldn’t be able – artists have delicate hands. Maybe Clumsy will agree.

Then they spoted Clumsy coming.
Clumsy: I’m back, Papa Smurf! Unfortunetely Doctor still doesn’t know how to help Handy.
Papa Smurf: Nothing is looking well… Maybe you would like to donate blood for Jokey?
Clumsy: Um, I can. Is he still unconsious?
Papa Smurf: Unfortunetely yes and it doesn't look better.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 08-26-2021 02:50 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Note: I decided to call Handy's roommates as "roommates", not as "patients" (despite they are patients too)
Chapter 5.12

Papa Smurf and Clumsy went to the hospital where Papa Smurf took Clumsy’s blood as he siad.
Clumsy: Is Jokey gonna survive?
Papa Smurf: I don’t know.
Hefty: Today night we three – I, Grouchy and Papa Smurf will be controlling Jokey’s condition.
Clumsy: I can help you.
Hefty: Um, I’m not sure if it is a good idea.

Clumsy stood between Hefty and Jokey’s drip.
Papa Smurf: You can, it’s just sitting and controlling if his condition isn’t worse. I hope you will not break anything.
Clumsy: Sure, I won’t! How can I breake something just sitting? Whoops…

He said hitting his hand on the drip behind him. Hefty in the last moment caught the drip preventing another accident.
Clumsy: Golly, it was close.
Hefty: Are you sure Papa Smurf? Clumsy will help us too?
Papa Smurf: I’m sorry Clumsy, but you are too… um…
Clumsy: Clumsy?
Papa Smurf: Yes.
Clumsy: It’s ok, I understand.

He came out sad.

Doctor Smurf is still trying to find another solution how to help Handy.

Roommate: Even people aren’t able to think up that. We wanna sleep and you won’t find another solution anyway.
Doctor Smurf: I’m reminding you – I’m a doctor too! I’ll go somewhere else to not disturbing you sleeping.

He did so. Handy went to sleep too. He started losing hope for finding another solution. Even in the night he had a nightmare about his ruturn to the village after the amputation…

IN THE SMURFS’ VILLAGE (in Handy’s nightmare)
Happy smurfs are singing ‘La la la la…’. Handy is walking and whistling in the tune of the ‘Smurf Song’. He was passing Clumsy’s hut where he heard a conversation of Clumsy and Hefty.

Clumsy: What a shame Handy isn’t able to help us.

He took a hammer to nail his shelf to the wall. Hefty is keeping the shelf. Clumsy hit his finger.
Clumsy: Ouch! I can’t make it!
Hefty: Maybe I’ll do it and you will be keeping the shelf?
Clumsy: Ok.

They did so. Clumsy started losing his strenght.
Clumsy: I’m not as strong as you… I can’t stand this any longer!
Hefty: You have to stand this. I have to finish it.
Clumsy: I can’t!

He droped the shelf on Hefty’s feet.
Hefty: Ouch!!! Clumsy!!

It made Handy to feel so sad. He would like to help them, but with just one hand he isn’t really able. Then he saw Brainy doing something in the ‘smurfexcavator’.
Handy: Brainy! Don’t smurf it like this!!
Brainy: Handy, Handy, Handy… Now with just one hand you aren’t able to smurf the smurfexcavator. Because I am an expert in everything, now I should replace you here.
Handy: Maybe I can’t smurf the smurfexcavator, but I’m still able to think. You’re smurfin’ it wrong, you’ll break it!
Brainy: Just trust me Handy.

Then he broke the machine.
Handy: Oh no, my smurfexcavator!

Handy woke up in the middle of the night.
Handy: Oh no, it’s gonna be a catastrophe in the village…


Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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