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Smurf Forum » The Smurfs & the talking parrots (Fanfiction story) (Page 1)
Author Topic: The Smurfs & the talking parrots (Fanfiction story)
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 05-03-2021 10:16 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
The title may be a bit confusing but I didn't really had idea how to call. The main characters are the smurfs, the parrots take much smaller part.
Orignally I wanted to keep the story just for myself and never mention it. I've been creating it in the way like it was a series (and I decieded to keep the original episodes form). Because I live in Poland (and sorry for my English) the large amount of action takes there. The names of characters created by me are Polish and some of them I left in the original form, others were changed. I hope you don't mind any Polish "things".
If you read this and there are already availbe next parts - if you want you can even ignore the part "0" because it is just an introduction, which is not really necessary. The dialogue at the beginning just says who are the parrots from the title, the second part (of the "0" part) - how the vision of smurfs look like in this fanfiction. It has a bit another form than other parts - in the next parts there's no Narrator Smurf and his existence may be a bit strange in the story verson. As you see this is a dialogue form with additions of what characters do. If you want I can next parts try to write as a "normal" story like most persons do it here.
The real 1st part schould be more interesting.
Ps. next parts will be shorter. Don't worry you don't really know the characters created by me - everything may be explained later.

Episode 1
Part "0"

Zuza and her 2 years old daughter – Marysia, have just visited Bartek.
Bartek: Hello!
Marysia: Daddy!! (she hugs Bartek)
Zuza: Hi!
Marysia: Do you know what I saw today?
Bartek: No, what?
Marysia: A parrot!
Bartek: Really? What color was it?
Marysia: Yellow and blue!
Bartek: Did it talk?
Marysia: No, my mum said that you know talking parrots?
Bartek: Eeeh… yes…
Marysia: Do they really talk like people?
Bartek: Yes.
Marysia: I wanna see them!
Bartek: I’m sorry, it’s impossible…
Marysia: Why?
Bartek: Eeeh… I don’t have any contact with their owner…
(Quietly to zuza) Why did you say that?
Zuza: Why not?
Bartek (quietly): Did you forget? Me and Natalie have never been friends…
Marysia: Can you tell me about them?
Bartek: Hmm... I don’t really know them so much…. There are a lot of them… I don’t remember exactly how many but over 10.
Marysia: Did you meet them all?
Bartek: Yes…
Marysia: How did you meet?
Bartek: Eeh… Their owner was my classmate when we were in the primary school.
Marysia: Wow! So you know something more?
Bartek: Hmm… well, not really… But my cousin recently bought a parrot and already speaks few words. If you want, I can take you there.
Marysia: Yeah, I wanna hear how a parrot speaks!
Bartek: All right!
Marysia took out from her tiny rucksack a comic book called „Purple Smurfs” by Peyo.
Marysia: Can you read me this?
Bartek: Smurfs? Sure!
He's starting reading:
”The Land of the Smurfs” is located far, far from here, and very rare are the human beings who have ever gone there…*
The scene is changed – there’s a forest and a flying stork with little blue creatures.
Narrator: Probably you all had heard about the smurfs from the cartoon and comic books. Propeply… they exist. I know you’re thinking how this is possible that you don’t know about it. I’ll explain. Near the smurfs’ village there’s a cave. There leads a short path signed as "Forbidden Way”. In the cave there’s a big abyss, which seems to not have the bottom. Everybody who will fall there will be transported to your reality, more precisely – in a reservoir in Warsaw (the capital city of Poland).
But there’s no way in the opposite direction. This means that anybody who will be transported to your reality, will stuck there forever. At least we smurfs don’t know how to go back from there yet… but I don’t really want to spoiling.
Let’s come back to the smurfs’ village. I don’t know how well you know the smurfs but I’ll say a bit about them. They live in the almost perfect harmony and they persist on their own resources.
(Papa Smurf is working in his laboratory.)
Papa Smurf is 542 years old and he is a leader of the smurfs. He has 98 sons…
(Smerfette is watering her flowers.)
… and one daughter – Smurfette. Every smurf takes an important part to keep the village in the harmony.
(Handy is working – he’s connecting some pipes.)
For example Handy takes a really important part. He fixes different things and creates a lot of new investions, which help a lot in every day life in the smurfs’ village. Also now he’s trying to create something new.
(Miner is working in the mine.)
As I had mentioned smurfs have own resources – Miner brings out some of them.
(Miner found gold.)
Miner: Gold? But I don’t need it!
(Miner throght gold away himself.
Tailor is sewing clothes.)

Narrator: Tailor makes clothes for all smurfs…
(Painter is finishing potraiting Smurfette.)
Painter makes beautiful paintings.
Painter: Voila!
Poet: Ode to…
Narrator: Poet writes poems…
(Greedy is cooking something.)
Greedy makes dinners…
(Farmer is working on the fields.)
Farmer grows and harvests differnent vegtables, fruits. Thanks to him there’s food in the village.
(Behind Farmer there’s Lazy sleeping by a tree.)
Ooops! Corection: not every smurf works…
Farmer: Lazy! I thought you will help me!
Lazy: Am I not helping? I have to only work, work and work, when can I go sleeping?
(Lazy took a hoe, leant on it and fell asleep again. Clumsy is coming.)
Clumsy: Farmer! So, if Lazy doesn’t want to help, can I help you?
Farmer: Clumsy, look out!
(Clumsy stumbled over a bucket and falled down on sleeping Lazy.)
Narrator:… and others despite willigness don’t really help…
Clumsy: Woops.
Lazy: Clumsy, what are you smurfing?
(Harmony tooted for meeting.)
Narrator: I forgot about Harmony…
Grouchy: I HATE Harmony’s trumpet.
Narrator: Why I still continue this – there are too many smurfs to tell about all of them, so let’s finish on Grou…
Brainy: Excuse me Narrator Smurf but you forgot about the most important smurf - me, Brainy, Papa Smurf’s personal apprentice and the author of many books including "Quotations of Brainy Smurf”…
Grouchy: I HATE Brainy.
Brainy: So what do you not hate?
Grouchy: I HATE answering for this question.
Brainy: Grouchy, Grouchy, Grouchy, you can’t just hate everything, every smurf should enjoy own life, and Papa Smurf always says… *Brainy kicked out*
I don’t understand – why nobody wants to listen to my great advise?
Narrator: That’s enough of informations, now we can start...

* It's a real quotation from the 1st page

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 05-03-2021 11:51 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Ok, maybe it's not more intersting than part "0" - I've just realised how long it is in writing (there are many details, what means more parts.)

Episode 1
Part 1
All smurfs have already gathered for the annoucement. Handy is standing on a mushroom (something like sometimes in the cartoon during annoucements).
Handy: I would like to say that I smurfed a new invention – running water! It’s going to be the end of carring buckets full of water.
Smurfs: Ooooh
Handy: I’ve already tested and this smurfs! In the next months we will be working on smurfing all houses to smurf everywhere the running water. You’ll see – this going to really help us in every-day life.
One of smurfs: When exactly will we have this?
Handy: It’s hard to say but the first mushrooms will be these, which have something more important – I mean Papa Smurf’s laboratory, hospital etc. You have to be patient and wait.
Grouchy: I HATE waiting.
Handy: I think that’s all, if you don’t have any questions, I’ve finished.
Jokey: Grouchy, I see you seem to be very dissatisfied. To cheer up you, I have a little sup…
Papa Smurf: Wait one more moment my little smurfs. (He replaced Handy on the mushroom) I need 3 willing smurfs to bring me some smurfroots.
Clumsy: I can!
Hefty: Oh no, Clumsy may just bring troubles..
Papa Smurf: I know, all of you had some hmm.. little troubles but you shouldn’t not letting Clumsy helping. Give him some chances… So who wants to be with Clumsy?
Quiet. Smurfs are just looking on themselves.
Quiet. Jokey looks at his present and Grouchy. He’s using the quiet to finish the sentence, which had been interrupted before.
Jokey: So…
Grouchy: I HATE suprises.
Papa Smurf: Nobody? Really? In this case I’ll choose – Jokey and Grouchy.
Grouchy: Why me?
Papa Smurf: Because you and Jokey were the first ones to break the quiet.
Grouchy: I HATE going with Jokey.
Jokey: Really? I hope this is going to be a funny trip, hehe. Clumsy, wait for me! Before we’ll go I have a little suprise for you!
Clumsy: Golly, really? Thank you! *boom*
Jokey: Hahahaha! Suprise!
Grouchy: This is why I never take gifts from Jokey.
Clumsy, Jokey and Grouchy are leaving the village to bring the smurfroots.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
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Icon 1 posted 05-04-2021 09:26 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Jokey always being... Jokey. Very nice story beginning! [Happy Smurf]

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 05-04-2021 10:12 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Thank you [Big Grin]

Episode 1
Part 2

Clumsy, Jokey and Grouchy are going to gather some smurfroots. Jokey is saying different jokes…
Jokey: Why can’t I cheer up Grouchy?
Clumsy: You know him… I think it’s impossible.
Jokey: Grouchy, what is it? It’s small, red and have wings.
Grouchy: I don’t know.
Jokey: Me neither but it is on your head!
Grouchy: I HATE bugs.
Grouchy is trying to throw off a "bug”, Jokey is laughing.
Clumsy: Gee, I don’t see anything on your head.
Jokey: Because it was a joke! Hehehe
Grouchy: I HATE jokes.
Jokey: Is it far yet? I’m running out of jokes…
Clumsy: I think the smurfroots are behind that hill – if I remember correctly.
Grouchy: I hope you’re right because I can’t stand this any longer.
Jokey: Look out! There’s Gargamel!
Clumsy: Where?!
Jokey: Behind those trees!
Grouchy: I HATE Gargamel!
Clumsy and Grouchy are running away. They turned in a side path. Jokey is laughing. He stoped after reading a plate with an inscription "Forbidden Way”. He doesn’t know why it is forbidden but he ran after Grouchy and Clumsy.
Jokey: Stop!! It was just a joke!
But they were too far to hear Jokey. They both ran into the cave and stoped by the abyss. Then Jokey found them (he still was far but audible).
Jokey: It was just a joke!
Clumsy: Really?
Clumsy during turning around fell down to the abyss screaming. Grouchy immediately reacted and caught him.
Grouchy: I HATE the abyss.
He pulled in Clumsy on the edge. Suddenly the gorund under Grouchy cracked and broke off. They both fell down to the abyss. Jokey was too late to help them.
Jokey: Clumsy, Grouchy! No! (Jokey is terrified and is holding on his hat.)
Oh no! Everything is my fault! What will I say now to Papa Smurf?

The joke about the bug is a remake of Jokey's joke in the Austrosmurf episode.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 05-05-2021 12:08 PM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 3

Clumsy and Grouchy are falling in the abyss.
Clumsy: It’s the end of us!
Grouchy: Smurfchute, Clumsy! That’s our the last hope… and I HATE this.
They started using their hats as parachutes.
Clumsy: Golly, but I don’t see any bottom! We’re going to fall without the end!
Grouchy: I HATE falling without the end… but everything should have the botton.
Clumsy: Gee, what’s that strange feeling?
Grouchy: I don’t know but I HATE this.
They are transferred to a reservoir. Clumsy surfaced.
Clumsy: Grouchy, were are you? Grouchy!
Grouchy is sinking. Clumsy is helping him to get out of water. Grouchy is choking, Clumsy is trying to help him to expectorate the water. Next Grouchy repelled Clumsy’s arm.
Grouchy: Smurf, I almost sank!!
Clumsy: You scared me! I‘d rather not to be here alone!
Grouchy: Where the smurf are we?
Clumsy: I don’t know.
Grouchy: I HATE not knowing.
Clumsy: Golly, here seems to be many people…
Grouchy: I HATE many people. Let’s smurf somewhere to not be seen.
They haven’t been seen by anybody so far – people are away from the reservoir. The smurfs hided in bushes. It’s March and there’s no leaves yet but branches are dense enough.
Clumsy: And what are we going to do now?
Grouchy: I don’t know, we have to smurf out somethng. I HATE smurfing out.

I wrote "smurfchute" but I don't know how it was called in the English verson of The Smurfs movie.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 05-06-2021 10:57 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 4

In the smurfs’ village Jokey ran to Papa Smurf to inform him about the terrible accident.
Jokey: Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf!
Papa Smurf: You’re already back? And where are Clumsy and Grouchy?
Jokey: It’s terrible! They… *sniff* are dead *sniff*
Papa Smurf: What?! But how??
Jokey: It is my fault – I smurfed them a joke and told them I see Gargamel. They smurfed away into a cave, where is a big abyss and fell there. *sniff*
Papa Smurf: Where is that cave?
Jokey: There leads a path which is signed as ‘Forbidden Way’.
Papa Smurf: The good news are that they probably are still alive.
Jokey: What? How is it possible?
Papa Smurf: This abyss leads to a bit different world. The bad news are there’s no return way.
Jokey: So… they are probably alive but will never come back to us? It’s so terrible! Poor Clumsy and Grouchy! *sniff*
Papa Smurf: I’m not sure but I think somewhere in my spellbooks I can find a solution how to bring them back. If not – we will never see them again. There magic doesn’t exist, so this is very likely they stucked there forever. Anyway until I smurf out the solution, nobody can go look for them, even if they are in a big danger. No smurf had been there before and I don’t know what people are like there.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 05-07-2021 12:39 PM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
This is the first real part (except "0"), where is included a charactarer created by me. Any explanations will be given with stars (*).

Part 5
Grouchy and Clumsy are still hiding in the bushes and are thinking what to do.
Grouchy: If we found a map… maybe we would know the way to home.
Clumsy: Maybe we should start looking for it?
Grouchy: I HATE looking for but I don’t see another solution…
They left the bushes and started carefully walking to not be seen by anybody. The pond is located in a lowering of the terrain. The smurfs decided to go up stairs. It’s not easy – the stairs are adapted for people. They chose a moment when nobody was going. But during they are going up somebody passed them – hopefully the smurfs weren’t noticed. Especially Clumsy has some problems with climbing on the stairs. When they are almost on the top another person (a woman) is passing them and Clumsy is falling down straight under her legs. The miracle is that woman didn’t look down and Grouchy helped in the last moment. They are already on the top.
Clumsy: Gosh, it was close! Thank you!
Grouchy: We aren’t going to not be seen in this way for a long time. We’re totally lost and faster or later somebody will notice us. And even bushes don’t have leaves yet to hide there… I don’t see the good end…
A box is moving by wind and hit Grouchy.
Grouchy: What’s that?
Clumsy: I think I got an idea.
They used the box to hide inside. They aren’t leaving it – are going inside, just carefully picking up to see the way and stoping while somebody passes them. In this way they went away from the pond.
Clumsy: Grouchy, look there! Is it a map? (he showed a map located on a bus stop on the opposite side of the street)
Grouchy: Let’s check. But first we have to go on the oposite side.
Hopefully the street isn’t crowded. Grouchy is going first. Clumsy almost fell down on the first edge.
Clumsy: Oops.
Grouchy: Look out for the next edge…
Clumsy fell down on Grouchy. They almost lost the box.
Grouchy: I said ‘look out’!
Clumsy: Woops, sorry.
Some people looked at the box but they didn’t spot something is inside there. When nobody was looking the smurfs came closer to the bus stop.
Clumsy: There are few persons… how can we see the map without being noticed?
Grouchy: Let’s wait, maybe they will go away…
They were waiting until a bus arrived and took few persons.
Grouchy: I HATE waiting. There’s just one person.
They carefully came closer. The person is a young woman*. She mainly is looking at the oposite side or using her phone but is able to notice something weird with the box. The smurfs have to be really carefull.
Clumsy: What now? It is so high.
They had to leave the box. The woman looked at the box again but the smurfs were hidden behind it. After that they stood on the box to climb on a betch (above it there’s the map). The woman looked again but Clumsy and Grouchy hid behind her rucksack. When she started using her phone again:
Grouchy: Stand on me and say if you see something. (Clumsy did it.)
And do you see?
Clumsy: Golly, nothing familliar.
Clumsy started losing his balance. Grouchy noticed that the woman is turning again and wanting to hide, Clumsy fell by accident into her rucksack (she probably forgot to close it [Wink] ). The bus is arriving – the woman hid her phone and closed her rucksuck without noticing any of the smurfs. After taking it on her back, Grouchy jumped and caught the rucksack. He’s trying to hid as he can.
* Her name is Natalie - she was mentioned in the part "0" as the parrots' owner.
In this part I changed the translation from "reservoir" to "pond".

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 05-08-2021 12:27 PM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 6

Clumsy still is in the rucksack. Grouchy is sticking outside. He knows it is impossible to not be seen by other people (the bus was so crowded, the same a train, which they are travelling next), so he is trying to not moving to make an impression not being alive (but maybe a mascot?). It is a bit long way but despite difficulties he haven’t been noticed by anybody as an alive creature. He hoped for a moment when nobody will be looking and he will free Clumsy…. but in this way they get to the woman’s home. After coming home she quickly took off the rucksack and put it on her bed, Grouchy wasn’t sticking strong enough and he fell on the bed. The woman spoted Grouchy and Grouchy knows he is spoted – they both started screaming. Natalie (because it is the woman’s name) stepped back to the window and panicly is looking for something but there’s just a bottle of water, which she started trying to use it as a ‘weapon’. In the room there are also three parrots – one of them came closer to Grouchy and he aggresively ruffled his feathers. Grouchy is scared.
Grouchy: Please, don’t harm me! I’ll explain everything!
Natalie: You speak??
Grouchy: I just wanted to help my friend – by accident he fell into your rucksuck.
Clumsy is opening the rucksuck to leave it.
Clumsy: Hello.
Natalie is shocked and is putting away the bottle.
Natalie: Who are you?
Clumsy: We’re smurfs. I am Clumsy and he is Grouchy.
The aggresive parrot calmed down.
Natalie: But… eeh smurfs don’t exist… it’s impossible…
Grouchy: But we are here and we are REAL.
Natalie and the parrots are confused.
Natalie: I see you… but how is it possible? Smurfs are just in the cartoon and in the comics… but you are real… Sorry, you’ve already introduced yourself but not me because of the shock – my name is Natalie.
She came closer to the smurfs and gave a hand to Clumsy.
Clumsy: I don’t understand something – you said comics and what? Had you heard about us?
Natalie: I think everybody knows ‘The Smurfs’ but as fictional creatures appeared in the comics and the cartoon. Don’t be angry at me but I still don’t understand how you exist…
Clumsy: And I don’t understand how you had known us…
Grouchy (to Clumsy): I’m reminding you we have to find the way to home.
Natalie: Are you lost?
Clumsy: Yeah. Do you have a map?
Natalie: Yes, where are you from?
Clumsy: From the Smurfs Forest.
Natalie: Eeeh, there’s no such thing called by us. How did you get here? I mean before falling into my rucksuck.
Clumsy: We fell to a stange abyss… and then we were somewhere in a pond and were lost.
Natalie: It’s really complicated… and illogical. Maybe the pond is a solution? But I’m silly and don’t know what to do. Where is that pond?
Clumsy: I don’t know anything how is called here… and I was in your rucksuck all the way.
Natalie: Grouchy – you was outside – were we in a train?
Grouchy: I don’t know what you are smurfin’ about.
Natalie: When Clumsy was already in my rucksuck – were we going by a train?
Grouchy: I don’t know what is the train!!!!
Natalie: Ok… Can I take you on my desk? I’ll show what it is.
Clumsy and Grouchy stepped on her hands and are moved. Natalie turned on her computer. The smurfs don’t know what she’s doing.
Clumsy: What is it?
Natalie: A computer.
Clumsy: For what is it used?
Natalie: Eeeh… for many things…
She opened a search engine and wrote ‘train’, next she opened the Goggle Images. The smurfs are suprised to see the technology.
Natalie: Grouchy, were you in something like this?
Grouchy: Yeah.
Next Natalie searched for the bus images.
Natalie: And were you in this?
Grouchy: Yeah and I HATE this.

Because it is a long conversation I decided to divide this to 2 parts. Maybe not equel parts but the next one will be started without any introduction.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 05-10-2021 10:28 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 7

Next Natalie opened Google Maps. She’s zooming the map to the place where she took the bus. The smurfs are suprised again.
Clumsy: Golly, you are able to zoom the map!
Natalie just looked at them and opened the option of street view. Now the smurfs are in the big shock.
Clumsy: Golly, we were there – you entered into the map??
Natalie: Let’s say this… So you say that you were there – do you remember how did you get there? Which street?
Clumsy: Yeah, it was this one.
He showed the street which they were going. Natalie started clicking the narrows to move on the street.
Clumsy: Gee, you can even smurf there!
Natalie wants to laugh at Clumsy but she’s trying to restrain.
Natalie: And what’s next?
Clumsy: Straight all the time.
Natalie found the pond.
Natalie: Is it that pond?
Clumsy: Yeah.
Natalie: Hmmm. So you fell to an abyss and appeared there?
Clumsy: Yeah.
Natalie: Maybe is there also the returning way? It’s illogical to me how but at this moment everything is illogical…
Clumsy: We didn’t find anything…
Natalie: When you appeared here – did you were in the water?
Clumsy: Yeah.
Natalie: Were you searching there?
Clumsy: Hmm… no, we weren’t.
Natalie: Maybe you should? But I totally don’t know…
Grouchy: What? I’m not going to search in the water. I almost sank there! And it was really cold after getting out of the water! *caugh*
Clumsy: Gee I thought it was cold only to me… and I thought that you say everything when something disturbs you.
Grouchy: There were already too many things on which I was so angry. *caugh* I HATE caughing. Maybe I caught a cold…*caugh*
Natalie: What about you Clumsy? Maybe you will look for?
Clumsy: Sure!
Natalie: I’ll take something for you to warm you after leaving the water. I don’t want you to catch a cold too. If you find the return way, you will come back for Grouchy.
Clumsy: Ok.
Natalie: But now it’s already late. You know the way isn’t short. My sugestion is to go there tomorrow. You can stay here for the night.
Grouchy: I HATE sleeping outside the home.
Natalie: I’m sorry but I don’t think it is a good idea to go now.
Clumsy sees that Natalie seems to be a bit confused.
Clumsy: Don’t worry, he’s always like that. I have a question – what if I won’t find the return way?
Natalie: I don’t know yet. If you want you can stay here as long as you find the way.
Clumsy: Thank you!
Grouchy: Be serious Clumsy – we stucked here forever.
Clumsy: Why do you think so?
Grouchy: We have no idea how to come back home and how Natalie would help us?
Clumsy: Well… we’re trying.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Part 8

In the morning Papa Smurf made a meeting to tell an annoucement.
Papa Smurf: I spent almost all night to smurf a solution of how to help Grouchy and Clumsy. I wasn’t wrong – there is one return way. (He’s showing a bag) In this bag there are six magic crystals. I had to enchant them using a suitable spell, which makes them still magic in the…hmm.. second world. The three of them have to stay here and the other three have to be located in that world. The all crystals have to be in a suitable position to open a teleportal, which will connect our two worlds and we will be able to come back here. I will show you where I’ll put the three crystals here but remember - under no circumstances NEVER touch them. If anybody of you will destroy the system when I with 3 other smurfs will be in the second world we will NOT BE ABLE TO COME BACK.
Brainy: Don’t worry Papa Smurf – I’ll be supervising the crystals so nobody will touch them. You know, you can always caunt on me…
Papa Smurf: Brainy, I haven't finished yet! The three smurfs which I chose to go with me are: Brainy…
Brainy: I knew! I knew it!
Papa Smurf: …Hefty and Gutsy. This is a dangerous mission. We don’t know where are Clumsy and Grouchy. We don’t know even if they are alive. Maybe we will have to come back without them. This may take us even few days. I’ll repeat: do NOT touch the crystals. In other case we will stuck there forever like Clumsy and Grouchy.
The smurfs: Yes, Papa Smurf!
Papa Smurf, Brainy, Gutsy and Hefty left the village to go looking for the missing smurfs.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 05-13-2021 11:10 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 9

As Natalie promised – she took Clumsy and Grouchy to the pond where they appeared. They had to be carefull – nobody could see the smurfs so they were in Natalie’s pocket. She went aside behind bushes and took out her mobile phone.
Natalie: I’ll try to make an impression that I’m talking on the phone lest people think I’m talking to myself or worse – they would notice you. Is it that pond?
Clumsy: Yeah!
Natalie: I’ll choose an area of the pond where there are no nearby people – then you will look for if there is the return way.
Clumsy: Ok!
She chose the area but still has to be carefull. She’s taking out Clumsy from the pocket and is putting him on the ground. Suddenly they hear a voice in the background.
Gutsy: Let him out! Now!
Clumsy: Golly, Gutsy! And Papa Smurf, Brainy, Hefty!
They found each other.
Gutsy: Who is she? And where is Grouchy?
Clumsy: Don’t worry – she is our friend Natalie and Grouchy is hiding in her pocket.
Grouchy: I HATE hiding in the pocket.
Papa Smurf: I’m glad to see you both!
Hefty: So you say she is your friend?
Clumsy: Yeah, she was trying to help us! Natalie, they are my friends: Papa Smurf, Brainy, Hefty and Gutsy. (he showed each smurf who is who)
Papa Smurf: Thank you for your help, Natalie.
Natalie: Nice to meet you but we can’t talking here – somebody may notice you.
Brainy: Sure – this is why we should already open the teleportal to smurf our home and…
Papa Smurf: But first we need to find a safe place to do this. It can’t be a busy place because the teleportalar is easily reopened. The best place is where are no people.
Natalie: It’s hard to find – it is a big city.
Papa Smurf: The proces of creating the portal may be really visible and then we can be noticed by people… and if not, there is a danger that somebody will reopen it by accident.
Natalie: Maybe… what do you think about doing it in my home? We have to go from here quickly…
Papa Smurf: If we can – that’s great!
Natalie: Maybe let’s go to my pockets.
The all smurf went into the pockets and Natalie took them home.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 05-19-2021 11:47 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 10

Natalie with the 6 smurfs came back home. They entered to her room, where there are the same 3 parrots as when Grouchy and Clumsy were there for the first time. They are called Artur, Snowball and Szery. The white one (Snowball) flew closer.
Snowball: Hey, how is it possible you brought more smurfs?
Hefty: This bird talks?
Natalie: Yes, she does. As well as the others… (and in the answer for the parrot’s question:) When we were near the pond we found the others.
Papa Smurf: Thank you so much for your help. I have to explain you something. After creating the portal it will disapear after we go into that but there will be visible (but not really eye-catching) a pale trace. Every touch on this trace of an alive creature may cause to reopen it. Unfortumently, there’s no way to fully close the portal. When nobody activate it during one year, the portal disapears forever.
Clumsy: Does it mean we can visitting?
Papa Smurf: Theoretically yes but I would prefer this portal closed. This is a dangerous place.
Natalie: But my home isn’t dangerous?
Papa Smurf: I believe you but I don’t know what my little smurfs could do… I’m a bit afraid that somesmurf would not obey my ban of not going outside. Where can I make the portal? Is it ok there?
Natalie: Ok.
Papa Smurf came to the wall near the parrots’ perch, he arranged the crystals in the correct position and said the spell. There was a bright light for a moment and then there apeared the blue portal. The parrots were a bit stressed at the first moment.
Papa Smurf: It’s done. We can come back home.
The smurfs (in unison): Hurray!
Clumsy: Thank you Natalie for your help!
Natalie is smiling.
Brainy: Now we have to go back. Goodbye!
Natalie: Bye!
Papa Smurf: Thank you again. Goodbye!
Hefty, Clumsy and Gutsy (in unison): Goodbye!
Grouchy: I HATE goodbye’s.

The smurfs came back home. There are many smurfs who are really happy to see them back with Clumsy and Grouchy.
Smurfette: You’re already back!
Papa Smurf: This took us much faster than I thought – and we found Clumsy and Grouchy!
The happy smurfs scream ‘hurray’.
Smurfette: We were really worry about you!
Papa Smurf: Hopefully everybody is fine – we all are alive and healthy… (Grouchy coughs) … almost healthy.
Jokey comes to Brainy with his present.
Jokey: Here I have a little suprise for you on the occasion of the happy return!
Brainy: Thank you, I knew I can rely on you… *boom* (Jokey is laughing) Why I didn’t predict it…
Papa Smurf: I’ve just reminded myself we still do not have the smurfroots.
Grouchy: I’m not going to go gathering them! I got a cold! *Cough* I HATE a cold.
Papa Smurf: You have to go home. I’ll choose other smurfs: Smurfette, Brainy and Jokey.

The three smurfs left the village. This looks like it is a happy end of everything. But Smurfette, Brainy and Jokey don’t know yet that during their trip to gather the smurfroots they were spoted by their biggest enemy who hides behind some bushes…
Gargamel: Look Azrael – we found these terrible little smurfs!


Sorry for my English ;)
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During the break time I thought there were some lacks in the first episode. There are all importartant things but I feel there's lack of discriptions (visual looks and feelings). I'm going to write the next chapters with more of them. The characters created by me, who already appeared probably will be described in later parts when they will be again.

Episode 2
Part 1

Smurfette, Brainy and Jokey went to gather some smurfroots. Somewhere in the bushes there are Gargamel and Azrael observing the smurfs. Finally they quietly go out from the hide to catch them. The first smurf to spot them is Jokey. He stands in front of Brainy and shows their enemy (who’s behind Brainy) with his finger.
Jokey: Look out! There’s Gargamel!

Brainy closes his eyes and starts ‘teaching’ him showing his index finger.
Brainy: Jokey, Jokey, Jokey… I’m reminding you I am much smarter than Clumsy and Grouchy and I won’t be fooled by the same joke like they. And also Papa Smurf always says ‘jokes about upcoming enemies are not funny’. Papa Smurf always is right and…
Smurfette: But he’s not kiddin’!

Brainy turns around and spots Gargamel and Azrael.
Brainy: Gargamel!!!!!
Gargamel: Suprise! Now, you will be mine!

The smurfs after screaming started running away. Gargamel and his cat are running behind them. The smurfs try to do many turns to try loose their enemies.
Smurfette: Quickly! Let’s climb on this tree!

She showed a nearby tree and the three smurfs climbed there as she said. Gargamel stopped running because he lost them.
Gargamel: Where are these terrible smurfs? They couldn’t escape far away.

Azrael mrowls and shows the tree with his paw.
Gargamel: Here you are!

The smurfs thought they lost their enemy.
Unfortunetely the bench on which they are sitting is not high – it is on the height of Gargamel’s head. They all three are terrified. Jokey decides to take out from under his hat his ‘suprise’. It is smaller than usual ones but still a gift.

Jokey: I have something for you, Gargamel!

Gargamel takes the gift.
Gargamel: Interesting, what this little disgusting smurf could give me?
Jokey: A suprise!

Gargamel opens the gift and it expodes. The three smurfs use the moment to escape. When the smoke disapears the smurfs are already gone.
Gargamel: I HATE SMURFS!! Where are they now?? No!! They escaped again!! How really I hate these disgusting smurfs!!!

Later in the village…

Smurfette, Brainy and Jokey came to Papa Smurf.

Brainy: Papa Smurf, Papa Smurf! We met Gargamel today!
Papa Smurf: Are you all ok?
Smurfette: Yes, we escaped from him.
Jokey: Because I gave him a little suprise! YIHIHHIYA
Brainy: Just once time you did it to the right person in the right time…

Jokey comes closer to Papa Smurf
Jokey: I got an idea! Gargamel is a lonely person who lives just with his cat – what about trying to smurf him from the abyss to move him to the world where magic doesn’t exist….
Papa Smurf: Are you smurfed?
Jokey: …and then he wouldn’t be dangerous for us any longer. Is it a good idea?
Papa Smurf: Are you kidding?
Jokey: Not this time!
Papa Smurf: NO. Just think what he would feel there. Here’s his home.
Jokey: There he could have a new home… I think it is a great idea to get rid of this danger without harming him. He would be with Azrael… He lives just with him. Just think how many times he was catching us and was so close to our village… This would be the end of this trouble.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 06-02-2021 12:06 PM      Profile for Blaq   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Oh frick didn't realize they're were new chapters . Youch man. Nice Episodes 😎
Posts: 49 | From: Germany | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 06-02-2021 12:42 PM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Thank you [Smile]

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 06-03-2021 11:54 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Episode 2
Part 2


Grouchy is already healthy. He, Clumsy, Jokey and Vanity decided to go on a picnic somwhere in the forest, near the Smurfs’ Village. Clumsy is talking about his and Grouchy’s adventure in the weird place called Warsaw. He mentions strange high buildings, metal vehicles not being led by horses and other things, which they saw for the first time in their life and even don’t know how they are called. Also he mentions Natalie’s 11* talking parrots. During the whole conversation Vanity is looking at his mirror all the time.
Clumsy: …and there was something what had everything inside – you can even smurf to a map!
Grouchy: I think it was called computer…
Jokey: Are you kidding? It’s the funniest thing which I’ve heard! YHIHIHIYA
Clumsy: No, it’s real. And there you can find many pictures, articles… Everything using just this one thing.
Jokey: Hehe, this sounds like a good joke! How is it possible to put everything inside this?
Clumsy: Gee, I don’t know. Everything there was so strange but I think these people’s inventions are so great.
Vanity: I agree – it sounds great. However nothing is more great than me.

Vanity said this still looking at his mirror and admiring his beauty.


Papa Smurf is working in his lab. Suddenly door opens and Hefty runs in. Because of the sudden disruption Papa Smurf makes a mistake and there’s a small explosion in his laboratory.

Hefty: Papa Smurf, Papa Smurf!
Papa Smurf: Hefty! Did you see the information on the door to not smurf me now?! Look what’s smurfed!
Hefty: Yes, I’m sorry but it’s urgent – Gargamel is really close to the village! I don’t know how it is possible but in each moment he can find us!
Papa Smurf: My smurfness! Where is he now?
Hefty: I’ve seen him recently near the Old Oak.

Papa Smurf and Hefty go out the lab.
Papa Smurf: You’re right – it is a dangerous distance. (They’re passing Harmony) Harmony – toot for the alarm! Gargamel is so close to our village. We have to evacuate.

Harmony toots without any questions – he just looked terrified.
Papa Smurf: Hefty – you will go with me. We have to check where is Gargamel at this moment.

They both went and found him with Azrael.
Papa Smurf: Hopefully, he is now further. Our village should be save.
Hefty: But now he is really close to the place where are Clumsy, Grouchy, Vanity and Jokey!
Papa Smurf: In this case we have to go to warn them. Maybe we will be on time before Gargamel will find them.

* There have been mentioned only 3 parrots so far but Clumsy and Grouchy have already met all of them (Artur, Snowball and Szery were the first ones they met and this moment is included in the previous parts)

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 06-04-2021 12:11 PM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Thank you Blaq

Episode 2
Part 3

Vanity, Jokey, Grouchy and Clumsy still have the picnic. Vanity looks at his mirror and spots in the background of its reflections...

Then all other smurfs spots their enemy with his cat and scream.
Grouchy: I HATE Gargamel.
Gargamel: What a nice suprise! Smurfs! I’ll get you!

The all four smurfs started escaping. Clumsy is the slowest one. They find a tree with a small hole at its bottom so they decide to run into it. Clumsy falls down before the entry to the hollow, Azrael is ready to catch him but in the last moment Grouchy helps him to stand and they both escape to the tree.
Clumsy: Gosh, it was close, thanks!

At this moment smurfs notice it’s not the only entry to the hollow – above Clumsy’s head Azrael stretches out his paw from a bigger hole.
Vanity: Azrael!!
Grouchy: I HATE Azrael.

Clumsy spots the cat above his head and moves away from him. The all four smurfs are trapped in the tree – If they go out, they will be caught by Gargamel but if they stay, Azrael may enlarge the hole and finally he will catch them. At this moment the cat isn’t able to reach out them but he is really close. The smurfs are terrified and are standing very close together.
Vanity: I’m too beautiful to smurf!
Grouchy: I HATE smurfing.
Jokey: It’s not funny at all.

At the same time Hefty and Papa Smurf are standing behind nearby bushes.
Hefty: I’m sure I’ve spoted them escaping to this hollow.
Papa Smurf: In other case Gargamel and Azrael wouldn’t be standing there and trying to pull out them. We have to quickly smurf out something or they will be smurfed.
Hefty: So, what are we going to smurf?

Papa Smurf is thinking and looks at their enemies.
Gargamel: I know you are there! I will be waiting here until you go out!

Azrael still is trying to catch the smurfs sitting in the bigger hole.
Papa Smurf: I’m thinking about Jokey’s idea…
Hefty: What Jokey’s idea?
Papa Smurf: To try to smurf Gargamel to the abyss, to the second world. We are very close to the Forbidden Way.
Hefty: Um, this makes sense. But how are we goin’ to help them now?
Papa Smurf: I’ll try to change Gargamel’s attention. Then you will go for the rest and you’ll say ‘em to lead him to the cave.
Papa Smurf left the hide.
Papa Smurf: Gargamel! Are you looking for somebody?
Gargamel: Papa Smurf! What a suprise!

Gargamel goes to catch him. At this moment Hefty runs to the four smurfs in the hollow.
Hefty: Go out! Quickly!
Clumsy: Golly, Hefty!

They go out. Hefty quickly and quietly say them what is the plan.
Jokey: So, Papa Smurf decided to realize my idea! YHIHIHIYA
Grouchy: I HATE this idea.
Jokey: Gargamel! I think you wanted to catch us!

Gargamel turns around to the group of five smurfs. At this moment Papa Smurf escapes to a hide to see if the plan works.
Gargamel: I’ll get you!

The smurfs escape running to the Forbidden Way and next to the cave. They stop before the abyss. They turn around to Gargamel. They’re standing in the sequence: Vanity, Clumsy, Jokey, Hefty and Grouchy.
Jokey: Catch us!

Jokey shows a tongue. Gargamel and Azrael run to catch the smurfs but they didn’t spot the abyss behind the smurfs. In the last moment the smurfs run in two different sides: Hefty and Grouchy on their left, others on the right. In the moment when Gargamel and Azrael fall to the abyss, Clumsy accidentally falls too. Jokey is the first one to see what’s happened.
Jokey: No, Clumsy! Again?!
Grouchy: I HATE ‘again’!

The four smurfs are standing on the edge and look down. They’re terrfied. Papa Smurf is coming to check if everything is ok.
Papa Smurf: Is everything ok? Where's Clumsy?
Hefty: He… fell to the abyss again.
Papa Smurf: My smurfness! We have to go for him! He may be smurfed by Gargamel! We all will jump down.

Papa Smurf and Hefty do it.
Grouchy: I HATE jumping down.

He jumps down too.
Vanity: But what if there’s something that will make something terrible to my beautiful face?

Vanity looks terrified at his mirror.
Jokey: Vanity! Look there!

He shows something on the wall of the cave. Vanity looks there and then Jokey pushes him to the abyss and thows off him.
Vanity: JOKEY!!
Jokey: Sorry but Papa Smurf told us to jump down! YHIHIHYA

Finally also Jokey jumps down.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Part 4

Clumsy gets out of the pond. He’s again in this strange human place but this time alone. Before he starts thinking what to do, he spots Gargamel and Azrael getting out of the same pond.
Gargamel: Where are we? What these terrible smurfs did to us? I HATE THEM! If only I got just one of these little disgusting smurfs, I would fry and eat it… (after spotting Clumsy) A SMURF!
Clumsy: Ooops!

Clumsy starts escaping, Gargamel and Azrael are running behind him.
Gargamel: I’ll get you, you little disgusting smurf!

Clumsy knows he is in a big trouble – he’s being chased by his enemies in the human city… Hopefully Gargamel often is stopped from different reasons – by driving cars, other people. Despite Clumsy falls down few times, finally he escapes and hides behind a building. The miracle is that he even wasn’t spoted by other people. They all were looking at crazy Gargamel, who claims that he’s chasing a smurf - but here people think they are just in the cartoon and in the comic books. Everbody think he is an idiot. But this calms Clumsy down just a bit. At this moment he is in a place where there’s no people but in each moment he may be spoted. He starts thinking what to do now. The only way to go home is to find Natalie – at her home there’s the portal. But in so big city it is really hard. He’s trying to remind himself if he remembers the way to her. Once time he was travelling in her rucksack and two other times he was in her pocket. Then he could see a bit and he heard different strange voices – first in the bus he could hear how somebody was saying ‘next stop is ….’ And next repeating the name of the bus stop while stopping. Natalie was going by bus to the end of its route and then he could hear ‘Next stop is Powiśle station’*. This makes sense because then she went by something what she called ‘train’. Also there was a voice who was telling where they are. Then Natalie got off on the station which was called ‘Eastern Warsaw’*. Next she went on foot. It took her just about 10 minutes, this means she leaves really close to the station. Clumsy sums up his thoughts. He’s not sure if he really may find the way but he’s sure what to do first – go to the bus stop, where he first met Natalie and then get in the bus on which there will be written ‘Powiśle station’. He’s not sure if he will be able to find the station but on the other hand if he doesn’t try, he will not go home. Or even worse – Gagamel will find him. He still is looking for him…
Gargamel: Where is this little terrible smurf? He couldn’t escape far away. He is somewhere here!

Finally Clumsy decides to try to find the way to Natalie. Unfortunately he doesn’t know that his friends jumped down to look for him…

*I translated these names just for this fanfiction story.

Now I will have another a bit longer break time from writing

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 06-11-2021 11:19 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
I'm back [Wink]

Episode 2
Part 5

Papa Smurf and Hefty get out of the pond.
Hefty: Where’s Clumsy?
Papa Smurf: I don’t know but we have to be careful – somewhere also here’re Gargamel and Azrael.

Grouchy is getting out of the pond. He choked on water again but he managed to get out.
Grouchy: I HATE being wet.
Papa Smurf: And where’re Vanity and Jokey?
Grouchy: I wouldn’t be suprised if they didn’t jump down.

Vanity is getting out of the pond holding the mirror in his hand. He's looking at it.
Vanity: Hopefully it’s just water. Everything will be ok with my face.

He's still looking at his mirror. He sees in the background of his reflection two blue hands and next Jokey’s face showing silly face. Vanity turns around to him.
Vanity: You pushed me away!
Jokey: YHIHIHIYA That was funny!
Vanity: It wasn’t funny! You could ruin my beautiful face!
Jokey: You have no sense of humor!
Papa Smurf: Please stop you two. We are in a dangerous place. We have to find Clumsy before Gargamel will find us. Unless he already had caught Clumsy…
Jokey: I’m not kidding this time – there’s Garga…

He haven’t finished the sentece and the smurfs saw Gargamel and Azrael behind them
Gargamel: More smurfs!!!
Hefty, Vanity and Papa Smurf (in unison): Gargamel!!!
Grouchy: I HATE Gargamel.
Gargamel: I’ll get you this time!

The five smurfs are escaping. Their enemies are running behind them. Papa Smurf spots an open window a bit above the ground.
Papa Smurf: Quickly! Smurf to this window!

Hefty stood next to the window to help all smurfs to get into the building. It’s the first time for Vanity and Jokey to be in Warsaw but they have no time to comment the strange look of this world. Hefty is the last one to get into. He’s standing nearby the window while Azrael is putting in his paw to catch him. Papa Smurf immediately reacts.
Papa Smurf: Look out, Azrael!

Immediately Hefty comes closer to other smurfs. They all are in the safe distance from the window.
Jokey: It’s not funny at all. What are we going to smurf?
Papa Smurf: Gargamel spotting us said ‘more smurfs’. This means he’s already found Clumsy. But we don’t know if he smurfed him.
Gargamel: Come here, you terrible little demons! I know you will leave the hid. I’m going to wait here for you – sooner or later you will have live the hid.

He and Azrael are standing next to the window waiting for them.
Vanity: We are in a trap now!
Grouchy: I HATE traps.
Papa Smurf: We’ll wait here for few minutes. If Gargamel smurfed Clumsy, we’d hear him screaming.
Hefty: And what next?
Papa Smurf: Grouchy, you are the one who was at Natalie’s house more Times. Do you remember the way?
Grouchy: If I knew exactly where we are, maybe yes.
Papa Smurf: After leaving this place you’ll check if something is famillar for you, if yes, can you try to lead us to her?
Grouchy: I HATE leading but I can try.


Clumsy had already found the bus stop. He spots a bus to the train station and takes it. He’s not spoted by anybody.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 06-12-2021 12:53 PM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 6

The 5 smurfs still are on a table in the room (probably it’s a basement) hiding from Gargamel and Azrael. They’re still waiting for the moment when the smurfs leave the basement standing next to the opened window.
Hefty: They won’t leave us.
Papa Smurf: I think Clumsy escaped from Gargamel. We would hear him screaming. Let’s look for another exit.
Grouchy: I HATE looking for.

The smurfs go down from the table. Papa Smurf comes to the door and spots that it is opened. He shows a sign to be quiet and checks if there is anybody.
Papa Smurf: Nobody’s there. We can smurf this way.

The smurfs did as he said. Finally they found another opened window and left the building.
Papa Smurf: Do you know Grouchy where are we?
Grouchy: No and I HATE being lost.
Hefty: How are we goin’ to find Clumsy?
Papa Smurf: I don’t know. We need to smurf around, maybe he is somewhere here. If not, maybe he decided to go to Natalie but here’s the next question – does he know the way?


Clumsy doesn’t have any bigger troubles so far. He gets off the bus on the last stop and spots a big building with the name of the train station. He didn’t know this would be so easy to find it. He gets into inside but carefully to not be spoted by anybody. At the first moment he didn’t know where to find the trains but everything is clearly explain where to go. The way doesn’t favor not being spoted. Clumsy is really scared but still goes ahead. He knows it’s the only way. Hopefully there’s no many people at this moment and they rarely look down. Finally Clumsy finds stairs, which lead to the platform. He’s walking down but it’s not easy – they are too big for him. Suddenly he falls down on the stairs and hears a little girl voice…
Girl: Mom! There’s a little blue guy!

Clumsy realizes he’s been spoted. He’s really scared and escapes as fast as he can.
Woman: Don’t be funny, let’s go or we will be late for the train.
Girl: But really! He is there!

Clumsy falls down again on the last step but he’s on time to stand and hide behind a wall.
Woman: Julia, there’s no such thing! Our train is in 2 minutes.
Girl: I’ve seen him! He went behind this wall!

The girl comes to the wall and spots Clumsy again. He’s more and more scared and doesn’t know what to do. He decides to escape and hides under benches.
Woman: Julia! What did I say?
Girl: Hey! Don’t escape!

She comes to the bench and looks under it. Clumsy still is trying to escape but he falls down one more time. He’s all shaking. He turns around to the girl and shows a sign to be quiet.
Girl: Don’t be afraid!
Clumsy: P-please d-don’t say a-anybody about me.
Girl: You speak!
Clumsy: Please, live me alone!
Woman: Julia, what are you doing?
Girl: There is…
Woman: Please, stop! There’s already our train!

They both take the train. Clumsy breathes with a sigh of relief. Few minutes later there arrives another train of which final direction is the eatern station and Clumsy takes it not being spoted this time.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Mira - Milky Way Queen
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Icon 1 posted 06-12-2021 01:21 PM      Profile for Mira - Milky Way Queen   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Very interesting story.

Kratcy is best boy UwU

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Icon 1 posted 06-13-2021 12:40 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Thank you [Smile]

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 06-13-2021 11:17 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Episode 2
Part 7

Gargamel still is standing next to the window thanks to which the smurfs escaped. Azrael mrowls and shows to look inside.
Gargamel: What? No! It’s impossible! These cruel little smurfs managed to escape again! Where are they now? How did they escape? How much I hate them!

He and his cat decided to look for the smurfs. After 2 minutes they spot them.
Gargamel: Here you are!
Smurfs: Gargamel!

The five smurfs are escaping again. They go cross a street, gargamel runs behind them but he is stopped but two men in blue clothes with the inscription ‘Police’.
Policeman 1: Stop!
Gargamel: I don’t have time to stop! I have to catch these terrible smurfs!

The two policemen look at theirselves and are thinking what an idiot he is.
Policeman 1: We order to stop. You broke the law walking not on a pedestrian cross. Please, show me your ID.
Gargamel: What are you talking about? I have to go now to catch the…
Policeman 2: You seem to need to go to a mental house.
Policeman 1: What is your name?
Gargamel: I’m Gargamel and I don’t need any mental house! I have to catch the smurfs!

The policemen look at theirselves again and at the Gargamel’s outfit. The smurfs are hiding behind a nearby building and look what will happen.
Jokey: YHIHIHIYA! That IS funny.

Papa Smurf shows a sign to Jokey to be quiet.
Policeman 2: We have to bring him to the mental house. He is a very strange case.
Gargamel: What? You can’t do it! I will be the most powerful wizard if I only catch the smurfs!

The policemen arrest Gargamel and drive away. The smurfs are happy to not have their enemy here.
Jokey: Yhihiya, it was so funny!

Hefty highs four to Jokey and Vanity.
Papa Smurf: Now we are safe from Gargamel but I’m reminding you – we have to find Clumsy and we have to be careful to not be spoted by any people.

The 5 smurfs went somewhere to look for Clumsy.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 06-15-2021 11:11 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 8

The train arrives to the station in eastern Warsaw. Clumsy carefully gets off to not be spoted. But this what he saw terrified him. There are a lot of people and no place to hide. ‘What am I going to smurf?’ - he’s thinking. He decided to go fast in direction to the nearby stairs like people. He hopes he will not be spoted…
Girl: Look! What is it?

Clumsy sees another girl, who’s showing him with her index finger. He’s scared again and runs to the stairs but he falls down on them. The girls comes to him closer. Clumsy stands up and tries to escape but falls down again because the stairs are too big. The girl takes him on her hands. Clumsy is all shaking.
Girl: Are you ok?
Woman 1: Leave it. It’s just somebody’s toy.

It gives an idea for Clumsy – he stopped moving to pretend a toy.
Girl: It is alive! It was running!
Woman 1: Probably it has batteries inside. It’s a toy.
Girl: But…
Woman 1: Leave it, maybe the owner is somewhere here.

The girl goes down the stairs and puts Clumsy on the ground. After living him alone, Clumsy turned right. He doesn’t know where to go but at this moment he’s thinking about one thing – leaving the station and finding a safe place. But… after few steps he realizes that it’s not the end of troubles. There are many people standing around Clumsy and looking at… him. This froze him so much. He got speechless and doesn’t know what to do. People can’t know that smurfs exist but he is spoted by a quite big group. Some of people have mobile phones in their hands, others are talking that he looks like a smurf. Finally Clumsy decides to speak…
Clumsy: I-I’m not here. You haven’t seen me, ok?

He wanted to just go ahead but he’s stopped by a man who stood on his way.
Man 1: Do you really think you will just go away?

Clumsy is really terrified again. He decides to go in another diraction but he’s stopped by another man who caught him.
Clumsy: Please! Live me!
Man 2: From where are you coming from?
Clumsy: Just live me. People can’t know that we exist.
Man 2: You are very smart – do you thought that you would be on one of the biggest stations in the capital city not being spoted?
Clumsy: I didn’t know it is so big! I just wanna find the way home!

The situation is getting worse and worse. There are more and more people around. Clumsy is so scared.
Man 2: Well, even if I left you, you’d be spoted by many other people – just look that you already are in the center of attention.
Clumsy: Everything will be ok if you all will just ignore me. If people discover us, this will bring a lot of troubles for us!
Man 2: Sorry but it’s too late - you are already discovered.
Clumsy: No!!

Holding the phone in the second hand, the man shows a photo of the smurf available on the Internet. Clumsy have already heard something about the Internet from Natalie but he didn’t know it is possibe to upload things so quick. He can’t believe what’s happened and starts crying.
Clumsy: Why? Why?! *sniff*
Man 2: This seems to be one of the most interesting discoveries ever.

This makes Clumsy more crying. Next to the man there’s standing a woman, who’s feeling sorry seeing the crying smurf.
Woman 2: Leave him. The photos are already on the Internet, he may go away.
Man 2: Just going away? It’s a new spesies!
Woman 2: He’s crying and really scared.
Man 2: But we can never find another individual.
Woman 2: He’s already suffering.

There's coming closer another woman.
Woman 3: I agree. It’s better to live him.

The man started holding Clumsy a bit weaker than before and the smurf uses it to escape from his hand. The woman on the right catches him and puts him on the ground.
Clumsy: Gosh, thank you!
Woman 2: Run!!
Man 2: Why did you help him to escape?

Clumsy is running, two persons are chasing him. He knows he is in the big troubles. Will he escape?

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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