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Smurf Forum » The Smurfs & the talking parrots (Fanfiction story) (Page 2)
Author Topic: The Smurfs & the talking parrots (Fanfiction story)
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 06-16-2021 08:25 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
I'm not an artist and you don't have to saying how terrible I am but I made an illustration to the last chapter of my story - the moment when Clumsy realizes he's observed by a group of people.


I wanted to make some ilustrations from time to time but it's for me really hard and you see that even the results are not good. Unfortunetely after finishing I spoted unequel arms... It's my first drawing of smurf, maybe the next ones will be better but I can't promise. If I am really really bad, I can even not doing next illustrations [Big Grin]

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 06-16-2021 08:42 AM      Profile for Blaq   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Hot heck, looks really good. No for real the "darker" skribbly aesthetic actually is super nice, shade a bit and we're talking real good. Even unshaded this looks super fine. Keep this as your artstyle! Also how long you'd take?
Posts: 49 | From: Germany | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 06-16-2021 09:06 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Thank you [Smile]

I didn't measure time, most other pictures which I've done in this way I was making about one hour (or even less) but this time was definietly longer. Maybe 2 hours? But I feel it could take me even longer

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 06-16-2021 11:45 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
It's the first chapter in which there apear Natalie's friends from the university. They all are minor characters but they will be apearing from time to time. Because their names are never mentioned I decided to distinguish them with numbers (studymate+number). For each person there will be one number during the whole story (unlike men and women mentioned in the previous parts).

Episode 2
Part 9

Natalie is in the Faculty of Biology of the University of Warsaw. As usual she has long brown hair in a pony tail and wears black glasses. She’s standing with her studymates and together they are waitting for a lecture. One of her mates is holding a mobile phone and starts saying what he’s read.
Studymate1: People are so crazy – do they really think that we will believe ‘em in those fake news?
Studymate2: What the fake news?
Studymate1: I found an article written few minutes ago that on Powiśle there was caught a man who says he is Gargamel and wants to catch… smurfs. *laugh* And it’s not the end – they write that also in Warsaw but on the easten station there was spoted a smurf. Lol.
Natalie: What?!
Studymate1: It has to be photoshop, I won’t believe it.

Natalie seems to be a bit scared.
Natalie: Can you show me the photos? I’m just curious.

Her mate shows the photos. Natalie recognises Clumsy Smurf. How is it possible? She remembers that Papa Smurf forbid going to this world. So what is he doing? And what Gargamel is doing here? And in general – why Clumsy is on the eastern station while Gargamel was caught on Powiśle district? And he was loking for smurfs – so does it mean that there are more smurfs?
Studymate1: Are you ok?
Natalie: Yes, I just… have to call somebody.

She takes her mobile phone and goes away.

Clumsy is really tired of escaping. He managed to escape so far but he still is on the station and may be spoted in each moment. At this moment he’s standing behind a wall. He hears a group of people who are talking about where is the smurf. In general he is a very loud subject on the whole station. Clumsy is so terrified. Finally he decides to go in the direction the exit doors which he sees on the opposite side. There aren’t many things to hide behind. He tries to go under seats but suddenly he hears a scream…
Woman: Here is the smurf!

At this moment a fat man with an empty cage in his hand starts chasing Clumsy. They pass a plate with an inscription ‘Caution! Slippery floor!’. Unfortunetely Clumsy falls down and the fat man catches him.
Clumsy: Why am I so clumsy?!

The man puts Clumsy in the cage.
Fat man: Finally. Now you will not escape.
Clumsy: What are you goin’ to smurf with me?
Fat man: What?
Clumsy: What are you goin’ to do with me!
Fat man: You are a new species, we have to explore you.

Clumsy has tears in his eyes again.
Clumsy: Please don’t harm me. I just wanna come back home.
Fat man: I promise we won’t harm you. You will come back after the species study.
Clumsy: How long would it take?
Fat man: It’s hard to say – this may take few weeks or even few months.
Clumsy: NO!! If you really aren’t going to harm me, I can agree but just for one day! I can't stand few months without other smurfs! *sniff*

He decided to say this just for one reason – because it’s too late and people know that smurfs exist. Some more information shouldn’t cause more troubles ‘couse people are too big to go through the portal.

Fat man: I’m sorry but it is impossible to do all the research during one day.

Clumsy is crying. He lost hope to escape.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 06-16-2021 11:59 AM      Profile for Blaq   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Rest in peace my guy 😩👏😤😳
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Icon 1 posted 06-17-2021 11:38 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
I've just made another terrible illustration (if not even worse one) based on the last part. It's the sad moment when Clumsy is in the cage

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 06-17-2021 01:33 PM      Profile for Blaq   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
I'd make the head not so long, otherwise it's pretty fine.
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Icon 1 posted 06-17-2021 11:52 PM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
thanks for the tip

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 06-18-2021 10:06 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Episode 2
Part 10

Three Natalie’s macaw parrots are flying near the eastern station. Sunny (also known as Rozalka) has blue upper body and yellow lower parts; Wojtek is red with blue-and-green wings; Szafirek is all blue.
Szafirek: So, how are we goin’ to find Clumsy?
Wojtek: Let’s search the entire station.
Sunny: But how are we goin’ to get inside?
Wojtek: Let’s search the platforms first. If we don’t find him, we’ll be worried later.
Sunny: Maybe we should split up? We have to find him as quickly as possible.
Wojtek: Check around the station. I and Szafirek will check the platforms.

Sunny flies a bit lower, the other two parrots fly in direction the platforms. In this moment she spots the fat man leaving the station holding a cage in his right hand with something blue inside.
Sunny: Wojtek!! Szafirek!! I think I found Clumsy!

The three macaws fly closer to see better – yes, it is he.
Szafirek: We have to save him.
Wojtek: Are we goin’ to attack?
Sunny: I think it’s the only solution – we are just parrots.

And they flew to the man.
Clumsy: Golly, the parrots!
Fat man: What?

Sunny and Szafirek sit on the man and start biting. It hurts the man but tries to rid off the birds. Wojtek sits on the cage and bites the man’s fingers. Finally he drops the cage. It was painful for Clumsy but now he is free – Wojtek opens the cage.
Clumsy: Golly, thank you!
Wojtek: Now we have no time for ‘thanks’.

He catches Clumsy in his feet and fly away. The two other macaws seeing that Clumsy is rescued leave the man and fly to Wojtek. In the background there is a group of people who are shocked seeing what’s happened. Wojtek (in the air) puts Clumsy on Sunny’s back.
Clumsy: Golly, thank you so much, you saved me!
Sunny: What are you doing here?

Clumsy falls from Sunny but Wojtek flies lower to catch him. Now Clumsy is on Wojtek’s back.
Clumsy: Gee, you saved my life again. Thank you!
Sunny: So, what are you doin’ here?
Clumsy: I fell to the abyss… again. How did you know I am here?
Sunny: Natalie informed us.
Clumsy: Natalie? But how did she know?
Sunny: Um, you are on the Internet.
Clumsy: Are we flying to Natalie?
Sunny: No, we have to find your friends too.
Clumsy: But… I am alone here.
Sunny: Natalie said that there are more smurfs but in another district.
Clumsy: Golly, but I don’t remind myself that somebody fell with me. I was alone.
Szafirek: So, what are we goin’ to do now? We have two conflicting information.
Sunny: Maybe let’s fly to Natalie?
Wojtek: But she isn’t home.
Clumsy: But you said you were talking…
Sunny: She called us. We will fly to her, where she studies.
Wojtek: Oh no, Ochota* is even further than Powiśle. It’s harder to fly with somebody on your back!
Szafirek: And I’m reminding that my wing had been broken and I have troubles with longer flying.
Sunny: It was 8 years ago!! We will take some break times for you both.

*Ochota is another Warsaw district used for the story. There Natalie studies.

Some background notes:
- No, parrots don't have mobile phones [Big Grin] Probably Natalie called to one of her parents who was home.
- When I was choosing my username I had a small problem what to choose. Originally on other forums 'Rozalka' relates to my real-life parrot. The same name has Sunny in the story (I can say she has two names). During creating the account I wasn't sure if I will be writing the story but as she is one of the minor characters, I decided to choose it.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 06-19-2021 12:16 PM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 11

Natalie had finished the lecture. She and her two friends leave the building. One of them spots the 3 parrots.
Studymate3: Natalie – are they your parrots?
Natalie: Yeah…

At this moment she spots that Wojtek has Clumsy on his back. She panicked and went closer to the building wall and shows a sign to her parrots to land on her right arm. The first one to land is Sunny, Natalie is dissatisfied.
Natalie: Ugh, I meant Wojtek to land here.

Wojtek lands on her left shoulder, Szafirek – on her left arm. Natalie’s friends come closer to see what’s going on.
Sunny: Does it matter who lands where?
Natalie: I wanted to hide Clumsy. Are you crazy? You were supposed to…

She didn’t notice when her friends come behind her. Wojtek loudly squawked because Clumsy accidentally pulled out his feathers and fell from his back. Natalie’s friend caught him.
Clumsy: Gee, thank you.
Studymate3: How is it possible?

Natalie starts shaking.
Natalie: I-I don’t know.
Studymate3: But how do you know him?
Natalie: I’ll explain it later and please do not tell anybody about it.
Studymate4: Ok, but why?
Natalie: I don’t want to be a strange person…
Studymate4: ‘Strange’? You aren't strange.
Natalie: Anyway, I have to talk to the parrots – what are you doin’ here?!
Sunny: We have two different information – you said that there are more smurfs on Powiśle but Clumsy said that he is alone!
Natalie: And why did you take him here?
Sunny: Why not?
Natalie: Because peeople shouldn’t seeing him?
Clumsy: It’s too late. They know that we exist.
Natalie: I had noticed it… But they still don’t know that I know you.
Clumsy: Golly, what would happen if they knew?
Natalie: I already have famous parrots and had some troubles in the past… I don’t really want to be known for those two things ‘couse I don’t like being in the center of attention.
Wojtek: Come to the point. Which information is correct?
Natalie: When Gargamel was caught, he said that he was looking for smurfs in plural. So probably Clumsy isn’t the only one.
Clumsy: Gee, did you meet Gargamel?!
Natalie: No, he is on the Internet too.
Sunny: So, what are we goin’ to do? Do we have to fly there?
Natalie: Yes, you will fly there.
Wojtek: But with Clumsy?
Natalie: Um, you don’t have to take him. I can carry him. I’ll go by bus and will wait for you on the bus stop. You will be the first ones on Powiśle, so try to look for the other smurfs. If you find 2-3 smurfs, you will take ‘em on your backs, if more – fly to me and lead me to ‘em.
Szafirek: I hope we will not find 3 smurfs. My wing had been broken and I don’t know if I will be able to take a smurf.
Natalie: It was 8 years ago.
Wojtek: Let’s not waste more time. Let’s fly.

The three macaws flew away.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 06-20-2021 12:06 PM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 12

Papa Smurf, Jokey, Grouchy, Hefty and Vanity are walking somewhere in Warsaw. They’re trying to hide from people. Hopefully they haven’t been spoted.
Jokey: It’s boring – we’re just searching, searching and searching.
Grouchy: I HATE searching, searching and searching.
Vanity: Can we take a break time? Walking all the time may affect badly on my face.

Vanity is looking at his mirror.
Papa Smurf: Ok, let’s take a break.

The smurfs spot a parrot-like shadow. Next they look at the sky.
Hefty: Are they parrots?
Grouchy: They are Natalie’s parrots.
Papa Smurf: But how?
Hefty: They don’t look the same as these which we had seen.

Sunny spots the smurfs too and she lands next to them.
Sunny: Hi, we were lookin’ for you.
Papa Smurf: Are you Natalie’s parrot?
Sunny: Yes, my name is Rozalka but others often call me Sunny.
Hefty: So how many of you are there?
Sunny: Eleven.
Hefty: Do you all talk?
Sunny: Yes, we do.
Papa Smurf: But how did you know where are we?
Sunny: Let’s talk about it later, people are comin’ here. I have to fly to Natalie to inform her where you are. She’ll come here and take you home.
Papa Smurf: But we have to find Clumsy…
Sunny: He is with Natalie.

Sunny flew away and informed Natalie and other two macaws that the smurfs are found.


Natalie had brought the all six smurfs home. They’re standing on the floor in her room, Natalie is sitting on her knees to be closer their faces.
Papa Smurf: Thank you so much again. You helped us so much, we were lost.

Jokey comes closer to Natalie. He takes out a small gift from under his hat.
Jokey: Here’s my present for helping us.
Natalie: Um, you don’t have to.
Hefty: Jokey, no!
Jokey: Take it! It’s for you!

Jokey is smiling, finally Natalie takes the gift and opens it. The all smurfs are suprised that the present didn’t explode. Jokey is dissatisfied.
Natalie: There’s nothing inside.
Jokey: How is it possible?!

Natalie looks inside the gift closer. And… *BOOM* She jumped in fear screaming.
Natalie: Jesus!!!

Jokey is laughing so loud.

After calming down Natalie starts laughing at herself. Then Hefty, Clumsy and Papa Smurf start quietly laughing at the situation.
Jokey: It was funny!

Everybody calms down. Clumsy starts being sad.
Clumsy: Papa Smurf, I have to say you something terrible.
Papa Smurf: What’s happened?
Clumsy: I… I had been spoted by people. They already know that we exist.
Papa Smurf: Let’s say it’s nothing. The portal is created just for smurf-sized creatures, so people will never be able to find us again. Even if they knew the portal, we are save.
Clumsy: Gee, you really aren’t angry at me?
Papa Smurf: Why would I be angry at you? We all are healthy and this is the most important thing.

Clumsy is smiling again.
Papa Smurf: By the way – how did you know that we are in that world?
Natalie: I had seen an article on the Internet about catching Gargamel and spoting Clumsy.

Some of the smurfs are a bit confused.
Papa Smurf: What is the Internet?
Natalie: Um, it allows us quick getting information. This is why I knew what’s happened.
Vanity: Is it going to be a long conversation? I’d like to go home.
Clumsy: What a shame we will not meet each other again. However who knows – we had already been supposed to not meet again but we did.
Papa Smurf: I hope it’s the last time. I like you Natalie but now it’s a really dangerous place for us ‘couse people know about our existence.
Clumsy: I’d invite you to our village but it’s totally impossible…

Natalie smile is smiling.
Jokey: You’d have to shrink to smurf-size. YHIHIHIYA It’s just a joke, I know it’s impossible.
Papa Smurf: Let’s come back to the village. Thank you again Natalie.
Natalie: I like helpin’ you.

She’s smiling.
Jokey, Clumsy, Hefty, Vanity and Papa Smurf (in unison): Goodbye!
Clumsy: It was nice to meet you again!
Natalie: For me too! Goodbye!
Grouchy: I HATE goodbye’s.

The all 6 smurfs disapear in the portal. Next Natalie sits in front of her computer and turns it on. She opens the search engine window and reads recent news.
Natalie: Oh no, the parrots were spoted with Clumsy. Now people know that I know the smurfs.


Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7954

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Icon 1 posted 06-21-2021 10:42 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Here's my terrible illustration number 3: Jokey is givin' a present for Natalie

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
Member # 7955

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Icon 1 posted 06-21-2021 02:08 PM      Profile for Blaq   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Eh, fine beginner drawing , although make his body slimmer and his work on the face shape + eyes , also technically from that pose his tail wouldn't be seen THAT much, anyway no hate, just tryna help u in a way.
Posts: 49 | From: Germany | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 06-21-2021 11:58 PM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Thank you for your help. Believe me - eyes are really hard in this method. There was a moment when I thought they were ok but then I ruined it during some corrections and wasn't able to correct the eyes.
I've just got an idea how to make eyes in other way, maybe next time they will be better but I still don't know how to correct the face shape

btw I'm goin' to continue my work probably on July

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 07-11-2021 06:12 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Recently I'm thinking on the details of the last chapters of this story. The whole story is going to have probably 11 episodes. In the closest chapters there's no much action but I hope there will be few funny moments.
A small reminder from the previous chapters: there's never been mentioned the names of Natalie's mates from the university, this is why I distinguish 'em by the numbers. If any will get names in the future, they probably will be numbers 3 and 4 ('cause they are Natalie's closest friends from there).


It’s been almost a week since the smurfs were discovered by people but hopefully they all came back home. The whole world is curious how it is possible that they exist but people aren’t able to figure out it.
In the University of Warsaw a group of students, who are Natalie’s friends, got together and they’re waitting for a lecture.

Studymate4: Hi, do you know what’s with Natalie?
Studymate3: No, I wonder this too. She always was on all activities.
Studymate4: Hmm, I thought that she wrote something to you.
Studymate3: No, now we don’t have any contact. It’s startin’ being strange. Since we met the smurf she has been only once time and it was a day after the discovery.
Studymate4: Do you think that the smurfs have something common?
Studymate3: I don’t know.

Natalie is sitting in her room before the computer and is reading something.
Natalie: It’s gettin’ worse and worse…

Snowball – the white parrot flies to Natalie and lands on her shoulder unfolding her yellow crest on the head.
Snowball: What’s worse?
Natalie: Now I will never be free from those people. They all want to ask me questions about smurfs… I can’t sitting here any longer, I’ve already used the only possible absent in the chemistry laboratory. One more and I won’t pass it.
Snowball: You should live your home and stop being afraid of um, people.
Natalie: It’s easy to say. When I’m outside, in each place there’re people who ask me about smurfs, smurfs and smurfs.

Szery – the grey parrot with yellow head (smaller than Snowball) flew on the desk and joined the conversation.
Szery: Or maybe you should ask smurfs for help.

Natalie looked at him frowning.
Natalie: How are you goin’ to do that not being able to contact with ‘em? We have no acces to their world. Anyway, they wouldn’t be able to help me.
Szery: Papa Smurf said that this portal is created for smurf-sized creatures. And I am the simillar size as smurfs.
Natalie: I don’t think it has any sense. I want to protect ‘em, not exposing ‘em to people. There they are safe.
Szery: Trying to ask ‘em for help is nothing bad. Maybe they will be able to give you some advise.

He flew away on the floor to the place where’s the place for the portal.
Natalie: Are you crazy? Don’t do it.
Szery: Why not? I wanna help you.
Natalie: Szery, come back here!

Szery opened the portal using his leg and disapeared there.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 07-14-2021 06:11 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 2

Szery is on the other side of the portal, next to the Smurfs’ Village. The first smurf, who spoted him, is Scaredy. He started screaming and running to the village.

Szery doesn’t know who is the smurf and why he is so scared but decided to go behind him. In this way he went to the centre of the village, where he saw other smurfs.
Scaredy: Smurf smurfself! There is a smurf-eating bird!

He passed Brainy, who tried to stop him.
Brainy: But there’s no such thing like smurf-eating bird!... (after spoting Szery)... A smurf-eating bird!!

He ran and hid in a nearby keg. The whole village started panicking. Finally Papa Smurf came.
Papa Smurf: Calm down my little smurfs, it’s just one of Natalie’s parrots.

Harmony looked out of his window holding the trumpet in his right hand.
Harmony: I already wanted to toot the alarm!

Next to Harmony’s window, Brainy looks out of the keg.
Brainy: I knew it! I knew it from the beginning that it’s just Natalie’s parrot!
Harmony: So, what are you smurfin’ in my keg?
Brainy: I was just pretending that I’m scared too.
Harmony: Really?!

Harmony said it in disbelief. Brainy just smiled instead of replying.
Papa Smurf (to Szery): I’m sure you aren’t here for no reason. What’s smurfed?
Szery: Natalie has a bit of problems.

Clumsy is comming.
Clumsy: Golly, what are you smurfing here?
Szery: People spoted how my parrot friends helped Clumsy in escaping from the man, who had caught him. Now they know that Natalie knows something about you and they do everything to get the information about you.
Clumsy: Oh no, it’s my fault.
Papa Smurf: It’s not your fault.
Clumsy: If not my clumsiness, maybe I wouldn’t be caught. But how people know that they were Natalie’s parrots?
Szery: Because there aren’t many talking parrots in the world and we are the most famous one.
Clumsy: Gee, I didn’t know that you are famous.
Szery: Now Natalie is stayin' at home all the time and isn't leaving it. Just because everybody asks her about you.
Papa Smurf: I’ll go to her and try to talk.
Clumsy: Can I go with you? I feel a bit guilty.
Papa Smurf: Yes, you can.

They both went with Szery.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Posts: 231 | From: Poland | Registered: May 2021
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Icon 1 posted 07-15-2021 03:13 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 3

Szery came back home with Papa Smurf and Clumsy. Natalie isn’t in her room.
Clumsy: Where’s Natalie?
Szery: She must be somewhere home. Ah, I see her – she is in the kitchen.

Both smurfs went there.
Clumsy: Hi!
Papa Smurf: Hello, are we disturbing you?
Natalie: Hello, no, you don’t.
Papa Smurf: I’ve heard that you have some problems.
Natalie: Yes but I doubt you will be able to help me. In general I wasn’t goin’ to inform you about that. It was Szery’s idea.
Papa Smurf: You’ve already helped us two times, now it’s our turn to help you. I’ve heard that you don’t even leave home.
Natalie: Yeah, people don’t want to leave me… they even gather up under my windows.

She took both smurfs on her hands and showed the view from her window (she lives in a block of flats on the 2nd floor).
Natalie: Maybe not now, but from time to time… Here was even the police to disperse ‘em.
Clumsy: Gee, what’s the police?
Natalie: Um… the easiest things are always the hardest to explain… they are people, who care that everybody obeys the law… In this case those people were violeting my privacy.
Papa Smurf: Natalie, you can say everything what you want about us.
Natalie: What?
Papa Smurf: Thanks to the portal we are safe from people of this world, no matter what they know.
Natalie: Are you sure that?
Papa Smurf: Yes, don’t worry about us.
Natalie: Thank you. However I feel that they won’t leave me until they get a live smurf to make the first scientific description. But I’m not goin’ to risk any of you.
Papa Smurf: Try to explain ‘em that you can’t give ‘em a smurf. If this doesn’t smurf, we’ll be worried later.
Natalie: Ok, thank you. I’ll try.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 07-17-2021 09:44 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 4

The next day Natalie left home and went to the university. At location she met her friends from there.
Natalie: Hello!
Studymate3: Hi, what’s happened to you? You hadn’t been present for few days.
Natalie: Um, I had to think over some things…

A professor comes to Natalie and asks her.
Professor: Miss Natalie Clarke?
Natalie: Yes?
Professor: I am professor Jan Kowalski and I’d like to talk with you. You know the smurfs, can I count on your cooperation?
Natalie: It depends on what cooperation.
Professor: We’d like to make the first scientific description here in the university. You just need to bring one of the smurfs.
Natalie: I can say everything what I know but I won’t bring any of them.
Professor: Why? You can trust your own University. We’re going to do just few examinings and ask some questions. Next the smurf will come back home.
Natalie: I can’t do it but I can answer some questions.
Professor: You made a big discovery and you don’t wanna share with that?

Natalie has enough the conversation and answered with a bored voice. Her friend is sill standing next to her is listening.
Natalie: Um, it’s not my first discovery…
Studymate3: What?
Professor: So, what had you discovered?
Natalie: 2 years ago I found out why my parrots talk.
Professor: The smurfs discovery is definietly bigger than this one. We didn’t know about their existence. We had already known your parrots but not the reason why they talk. Why did you discover it? Because of curiosity? Isn’t it? And now we also are curious why smurfs exist.
Natalie: No, there was a man, who was more curious than me. I was in Czechia because of totally different reason and then I met the man. He was trying to comunicate with my parrots’ ancestors’ breeder, who lives there. After accidentally we met each other, I decided to help him.
Professor: So you helped then – why aren’t you going to help now?
Natalie: Because smurfs don’t want any contact with people. Untill now I’d been avoiding even sharing the information. Now I’m giving a chance to share it. It’s definietly better than not sharing anything about the discovery.
Professor: Please, think about my sugestion. I’ll send you an e-mail with my proposition. Let me know if you decide to cooperate. Goodbye.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 07-18-2021 09:07 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 5

In the Smurfs’ Village Clumsy is coming to Papa Smurf’s hut. Papa Smurf is removing from his door an inscription ‘I’m busy, do NOT smurf’.
Clumsy: Hello Papa Smurf, do you have a bit of time?
Papa Smurf: Yes, I’ve just finished my work in the laboratory. What’s smurfed?
Clumsy: Um, I was thinkin’… what if Natalie doesn’t convince people and they will still want one of us?
Papa Smurf: We won’t give up, we have to convince ‘em.
Clumsy: Golly, but what if they are so stubborn? If one of us agreed for the examinings, would there be high chances for surviving?
Papa Smurf: Don’t think so. I won’t let any of you to be their scientefitic object.
Clumsy: But if they really are so stubborn… and Natalie sill will have problems…
Papa Smurf: It could be very dangerous for this smurf. Maybe they really aren’t goin’ to harm us but we can’t trust ‘em. You’d already been smurfed by one of ‘em.

A moment of silence. Clumsy looked down thinking.
Papa Smurf: I hope you aren’t gonna sacrifice yourself?
Clumsy: Um, I feel a bit guilty… I fell into the abyss again, I tried come back home but was spoted by people… If not me, people wouldn’t have known about our existence.
Papa Smurf: Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault.
Clumsy: In general I feel useless… Greedy cooks, Farmer grows plants, Tailor makes clothes… The only thing what I do is ruining.
Papa Smurf: Don’t say like this. Everybody has pluses and minuses. Even me.
Clumsy: So do I have pluses?

Papa Smurf is putting his hand on Clumsy’s arm.
Papa Smurf: Believe me Clumsy, you have something, what some other smurfs lack.

In the background there is Brainy lecturing a group of smurfs.
Clumsy: Golly, really? What is it?
Papa Smurf: Maybe when you’ll look for example at Brainy, you’ll understand.
Clumsy: Thank you, Papa Smurf.
Papa Smurf: It’s nothing.

He entered his laboratory for a moment to take some kind of flask and went somewhere. Suddenly Brainy fell on the ground next to Clumsy.
Clumsy: Gosh, Brainy what’s smurfed?
Brainy: And you’re askin’? As always – nobody wants to listen to my advices!
Clumsy: Gee, but I usually listen to you.
Brainy: You’re the only one!

Sorry for my English ;)
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Part 6

Papa Smurf visited Natalie holding the flask in his hand behind him.
Papa Smurf: Hello, am I interruptin’ you?
Natalie: No, you aren’t. I have bad news – I met a professor and he wants a smurf…
Papa Smurf: I also have news. I was thinkin’ about you and I searched my spellbook, thanks to which I created the portal. I found the information that in the radius of 2 metres from the portal magic still smurf.
Natalie: Um, do you want to say me that in my room magic exists?
Papa Smurf: Exactly. That means that Jokey’s idea about shrinking to smurf-size isn’t so bad.

Natalie is so confused.
Natalie: But… why?
Papa Smurf: If you visit us, it will make easier for you to talk about us. You can try again to convince people saying that you can say everything. But one condition: you can’t say them that magic works here and you are able to visit us.
Natalie: Ok, I won’t say that.
Papa Smurf: I don’t know when you have time – later or maybe even now? Anyway I’ve already made the potion for you.

He is showing the potion. Natalie is shocked.
Natalie: To be honest I’m too curious. Can be now?
Papa Smurf: Sure. First stand up, if you shrink on the chair, you will have a problem with getting off it.
Natalie stood up and sat on her knees before Papa Smurf.
When you come back home, you will return to your normal size. At least the spell should work in that way.
He sprayed the potion on Natalie.
It’s enough – we need just small amount.

Suddenly Natalie shrinked to the smurf-size. In shock she looked at Papa Smurf, who now is the same size as she and her room, which now is so big.
Natalie: Gee, it works. Everything is so weird.

Artur – Natalie’s grey parrot with a red tail flew to her.
Artur: I agree, it’s really weird.

Natalie looked at him.
Natalie: I didn’t know that I may be smaller than my parrot.
Artur: And I didn’t know that I will be ever bigger than you.
Papa Smurf: Come with me, Natalie.

They both went through the portal.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 07-20-2021 07:53 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 7

Papa Smurf and Natalie are on the other side of the portal.
Natalie: I feel so strange, like I shouldn’t be here.
Papa Smurf: Don’t worry, you have my permission.

The first two smurfs to see them are Brainy and Clumsy. They both came to them.
Clumsy: Golly, Natalie??!!! But how is it possible?
Brainy: The portal is created for smurf-sized creatures. Now Natalie is our size…. But Papa Smurf how?
Papa Smurf: I discovered that magic in the radius of 2 metres from the portal still smurfs. I created the ‘smurf-sized potion’, thanks to which Natalie shrinked to our size.

Jokey spoted them too and he’s coming with his gift.
Jokey: Hi, are you Natalie or is it a joke?
Natalie: Yes, it’s me. Hi.
Jokey: But how?
Papa Smurf: Near the portal magic still smurfs. Thanks to it I could shrink her to our size.
Jokey: So, welcome to our village. Here I have something for you to say hello.

He's trying to give his present to Natalie.
Natalie: No, thank you. I’ve already been fooled once time.
Jokey: But what if this will not explode this time?
Brainy: Jokey, Jokey, Jokey…. Everysmurf knows that all your gifts explode. As you see even Natalie.
Jokey: You have no sense of humor!

He got angry and went away. Natalie is shaking.
Natalie: I have maybe a silly question.
Papa Smurf: Um? Ask.
Natalie: How can you stand this tempeture in just pants and hats?
Papa Smurf: Um, we are more resistant for cold than people. Are you cold?
Natalie: Yes, I wish I hadn’t take my jacket.
Papa Smurf: I can lend you my jacket. But first we have to go to my mushroom.
Natalie: Thank you so much.

Clumsy and Brainy went together with them to Papa Smurf’s hut. When they entered Natalie looked around.
Papa Smurf: Just a moment, I’ll be back.

Papa Smurf went up the stairs, wchich are at the end of the room.
Natalie: This looks like… um, labolatory?
Brainy: Yes, it is Papa Smurf’s laboratory.
Natalie: So, he lives above the laboratory?
Brainy: Exactly. And I am his asisstant.

Papa Smurf came back with his jacket.
Natalie: Thank you again.
Papa Smurf: It’s nothing.
Clumsy: What do you say Natalie, about showing you around our village?
Natalie: If I can, right.
Papa Smurf: Sure, you can. When you finish, come back here.
Clumsy: Right, Papa Smurf!

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 07-22-2021 02:56 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Idk if anybody still reads this, if so ifyou think this part is too boring, you can even skip it because there's no important information for the future chapters.

Part 8

Clumsy and Brainy left Papa Smurf’s laboratory and started showing Natalie around their village. They’re passing Painter making a portrait of Vanity, who’s sitting before him.
Natalie: Hi!

Vanity turned around to her in shock.
Vanity: Hi, how did you get here?
Painter*: Who’s she?
Brainy: She’s Natalie. Papa Smurf discovered that in the radius of 2 metres from the portal, magic sill smurfs. Thanks to that, he could create the ‘smurf-sized’ potion. Natalie being the same size as we, she could go through the portal.

Brainy, Clumsy and Natalie went further.
Natalie: I’m smelling something…
Brainy: It’s probably from Greedy’s kitchen.

They’re passing the kitchen. In the window there apeared Greedy with a tray of some cookies.
Greedy: Who wants smurfberry cookies?

He ate one. Clumsy came to him to take another one, next Brainy.
Clumsy: Thank you, Greedy.
Greedy: And who is…
Clumsy: She’s our friend Natalie.

Greedy takes another cookie.
Greedy (to Natalie): Maybe you would like to try my smurfberry cookies?

And he takes another cookie. Natalie takes one timidly.
Natalie: Thank you… but if they are SMURFberry cookies, can I eat ‘em despite not being a smurf?
Brainy: Natalie, Natalie, Natalie…. It’s just a name. Smurfs and people have simillar digestive system and what we can eat, you also can eat.
Natalie: I’ll believe you. I hope you’re right.

Finally she bit the cookie.
Brainy: I’m always right.
Greedy: Really?
Brainy: Yes, I am not Papa Smurf’s assistant because of no reason. He always admires my intelligence and as Papa Smurf always says ‘Brainy is the smartest smurf’…

Brainy is kicked out…
Brainy: What did I say wrong?

Clumsy and Natalie went further. Suddenly Clumsy ran into Hefty carring two buckets of water.
Clumsy: Whoops, sorry Hefty!
Hefty: Look how you’re smurfin’! Natalie? How is it possible?
Clumsy: Papa Smurf discovered that near the portal magic still smurfs and created the ‘smurf’sized’ potion…

After Hefty went in own direction…
Natalie: I spoted that Hefty was carring buckets of water. Do you have the running water?
Clumsy: No, we don’t but Handy invited it recently and he’s smurfin’ all huts to make the running water there. At this moment only his hut and the hospital have it.
Natalie: So, you have even the hospital.
Clumsy: Yeah, it sometimes is very usefull.

Brainy joined them again. They were walking in other parts of the village…
Clumsy: … and here’s Tailor’s hut. He makes clothes for us there.
Natalie: Golly, you have an excavator!

She showed the direction, where Handy is woking in the excavator.
Brainy: We call this smurfexcavator, Natalie.
Clumsy: Um, why is it so um, suprising for you?
Natalie: Because most of the village doesn’t have even running water. I don’t know how you did it.
Brainy: It’s another Handy’s invention. He has a lot of ‘em.

Clumsy turned around to Brainy and Natalie and is started going backwards.
Clumsy: …and thanks to them our life is much easier.
Brainy: Clumsy, look where you smurf!!

…and Clumsy fell into a trenche dug by Handy.
Clumsy: Ooops!
Brainy: I warned you!

Handy left the ‘smurfexcavator’.
Handy: Clumsy, why do you always fall into my trenches?

Handy and Brainy helped Clumsy to get out the trenche.
Clumsy: Gee, thank you.
Handy: Who is she?

Clumsy stand between him and Natalie.
Clumsy: Natalie, he’s Handy; Handy, she’s Natalie.

He introduced them showing with his hand, which hit Brainy’s face during showing Natalie.
Clumsy: Ooops. Sorry, Brainy.
Brainy: Look how you’re smurfin’ your hands, Clumsy!

They crossed the trenche. Two minutes later they’re passing Farmer.
Farmer: Hi, have you seen Handy somewhere? He has to fix me something.
Clumsy: Yes, he is next to Tailor’s hut, he’s digging a trenche.
Farmer: Thanks.

Farmer went in this direction.
Natalie: Some of you are easy to recognise but others do not have any characteristic elements. Don’t you have problems sometimes in recognising each other?
Brainy: No, beacuse we all have own voices and own behaviour.
He spoted a smurf laying on a hammack.
Wait a moment, I have to talk to somebody…
He comes closer to the smurf on the hammack.
Lazy, Lazy, Lazy… How many times I repeat you to not sleep all days…

The smurf stopped laying and sat on the hammack.
Dreamy: But I’m not Lazy…
Brainy: Of course not, Dreamy…
Natalie: So, you say that you are never wrong?
Brainy: Yes, I do.
Dreamy: But you called me Lazy.
Brainy: This doesn’t count. When I was far I saw just your nose and as Lazy likes sleeping here, I thought you’re him. (after noticing that he is alone) Hey, where’s everybody? Wait for me!

Natalie, Clumsy and Brainy met also other smurfs. There was Poet, who said a poem. Lazy was sleeping next to a tree. Brainy lectured him but was kicked out again. Harmony tried to play on his trumpet but Grouchy pluged it saying ‘I hate…’. Jokey gave somebody a gift, which exploded.

* Painter speaks in the French accent (like in the cartoon)

Sorry for my English ;)
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Icon 1 posted 07-23-2021 07:12 AM      Profile for Rozalka   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Part 9

Brainy, Clumsy and Natalie came back to Papa Smurf’s laboratory.
Clumsy: We’re back, Papa Smurf!
Papa Smurf: And how was it?
Natalie: Great.
Clumsy: I’ve just reminded myself… Natalie, have you already been talkin’ with people?
Natalie: Yes and at this moment it isn’t workin’.
Clumsy: Gee, so what now?
Natalie: I was talkin’ with a professor, who sent me an email. I’ll replay for it writing what I had already said to him. Maybe I’ll just add that I would be able to answer all the questions thanks to communication with you. I won’t say about being here of course.
Clumsy: But what if this won’t smurf?
Natalie: Um, I don’t know.
Papa Smurf: We’ll smurf out something.
Clumsy: But if everyting doesn’t smurf… Natalie, how do you feel – if for example I agreed to go there, would I have big chances to come back home?

Natalie looked at him shocked.
Brainy: Clumsy, Clumsy, Clumsy… Papa Smurf has already said that we must smurf out something. So if Papa Smurf said this, it must be. Furthermore you can’t risk your life.
Papa Smurf: Exactly, don’t think about it, Clumsy. So, do Natalie what you said then you will come here to say me what he said… um, I didn’t really understand what you said – are you gonna write some kind of letter?
Natalie: Um, an email… let’s say yes, it is something like letter but sent via the Internet instead on paper.

The smurfs are confused, especially Brainy.
Brainy: A letter, which isn’t on paper? But how is it possible?
Natalie: Um… Our technology is definietly more advanced than yours. It’s like how I found out that Clumsy was in danger in our world.
Clumsy: I remember that it was so quickly… Immediatelly people sent my photos… Is it the same with eme…ema…um...
Natalie: Do you mean emails?
Clumsy: Yeah.
Natalie: Yes, I’ll write the email after coming back home. When I get the replay, I’ll come here.
Papa Smurf: Ok.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Part 10

Natalie, Clumsy and Brainy left the laboratory. Natalie came back home, Brainy went behind Clumsy to say him something.
Brainy: I have to smurf out how people comunicate so quickly on so big distances. I’m gonna create a simillar invenstion.
Clumsy: Gee, how are you gonna to do this?
Brainy: Um… First I have to search my books. I’m sure I’ll find there something, what will give me an idea. You’ll help me.
Clumsy: And what if we don’t find anything?
Brainy: I’m sure we’ll find. People had done this invention, so I also can. And as I am Brainy Smurf, the most intelligent smurf, I’ve already written someting in my books about it but then I didn’t know that the quick communication on long the distances is possible. Now I know it, so I'll be able to draw conclusions from my books to create the new investion.

Both smurfs went into Brainy’s hut. There are a lot of bookshelves.
Clumsy: Gee, do we have to search all the books?
Brainy: Until we find the right one.

Brainy and Clumsy are sitting at a desk full of books. Both of them are searching one of the books.
Clumsy: Golly, are you really sure Brainy we will find anything?
Brainy: Yes, we haven’t found the right book but we will.

There’s knocking in the door. Brainy opens it. There are Natalie and Papa Smurf.
Papa Smurf: I was looking for you, Clumsy. I thought so I can find you here.
Clumsy: Gee, me? What’s smurfin’ on?
Papa Smurf: Natalie has already gotten the reply. I was thinkin’ about it for a long time. I hope the professor doesn’t lie us, because it seems to be quite safe. You Clumsy will go with Natalie, if you still are ready for the um, examinings.

Brainy and Clumsy looked shocked at Papa Smurf.
Natalie: Are you really sure this?
Clumsy: Golly… um… but what if it is dangerous?
Papa Smurf: Natalie, can you show me again the message?
Natalie: Yes, I can.

She gave him her phone with a screenshot of the email. Brainy came closer.
Brainy: What is it?
Natalie: Mobile phone.

Brainy looked at it closer. Papa Smurf gave the phone back to Natalie.
Papa Smurf: Yes, Clumsy will go with you. But you have to promise me something, Natalie. You will be keeping an eye on Clumsy all the time. If they wanna separate you, definietely say no.
Natalie: Ok. And are you sure Clumsy you want that?
Clumsy: Um, it is a bit frightening but I had already been caught for the simillar reason… and I feel um, like I should agree.

Natalie's phone beeped. She looked shocked at it.
Natalie: How is it possible that the Internet is working here?
Papa Smurf: I don't know, maybe someting the same like with magic on your world.

In this way the plans are changed. Will be everything ok with Clumsy?


Probably I'll give up making pictures for the story. I'm so bad and I don't feel strong enough to keep trying.
I know in this episode there isn't much action but there are some important imformation for the future chapters.

Sorry for my English ;)
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Wow! Lucky for Clumsy Natalie's parrots got to rescue him. Hooray for them!! [Big Grin]
But I suppose that scientist won't be happy until he gets a Smurf. No doubt his experiments shall be risky, uncomfortable and even painful for a little blue one! [Frown]
Your fanfic is getting better and better, Rozalka, and cute drawings by the way. Keep on smurfing! [Happy Smurf]

Keep on always smurfin'!!

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