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Role Play Forum » Who Smurfed The Turkey? (Thanksgiving Special) (Page 1)
Author Topic: Who Smurfed The Turkey? (Thanksgiving Special)
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 11-05-2023 08:24 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Summary: In the middle of the night, a turkey hides in Smurf Village away from the hunters (who want to make him into their dinner). The next morning, the Smurfs find a turkey in their village. Clumsy names him "Tom" and keeps him as a pet in the meantime. But when the turkey starts to become homesick, Clumsy has to release him back into the wild.

* Keep it family friendly. No going against the PG level.
* Use 1981 TV series characters.
* No random posts. Make sure to follow the story as close as possible.
* Have fun!

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Krisalyn Baptista
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Icon 1 posted 05-28-2024 12:23 PM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
(Now I feel bad I didn’t see this)

*in the forest, a flock of turkeys seem to be in a rush and the sounds of gin firing can be heard*

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 06-05-2024 07:30 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
*A turkey with expressive eyes and conveying through human emotions, is running and gobbling for his life. Suddenly, something caught his eye. A tree with bushes is the best way for him to hide in, at least for now.*

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Krisalyn Baptista
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Icon 1 posted 06-06-2024 10:53 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
*a group of hunters run past the bush*

Salem: Where’d he go?! Where’d he go?!?!

Dennis: Bah, forget it, the others will do nicely!

*they load their guns and continue searching*

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 06-06-2024 08:08 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
*Meanwhile, Clumsy Smurf was in the forest, picking smurfberries. A turkey gobble is heard, startling Clumsy.*

Clumsy: Gosh, what was that?

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Krisalyn Baptista
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Icon 1 posted 06-07-2024 03:03 PM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
*the turkey suddenly tumbles out of the bush*

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 06-08-2024 04:32 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: Oh my gosh! A turkeh! (waves) Uh, howdeh, turkeh! Whatcha doin' in that bush?

*The turkey motions to Clumsy that he is hiding from the hunters, who want him for a feast.*

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
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Icon 1 posted 06-10-2024 11:52 PM      Profile for Smurfketeer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: I think i'll name you "Tom", E-yep Tom, (Clumsy laughs a bit)
The turkey hides behind Clumsy more.
Clumsy: Are you ok Tom?
The turkey squeals
Clumsy: Gosh, I guess I better take you to papa smurf

Clumsy takes Tom to Smurf Village.


Posts: 21 | From: Australia | Registered: Jun 2024
Matthew Grisham
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Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 06-15-2024 04:14 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy checks in Papa Smurf's lab. Much to his surprise, Papa Smurf is out of his lab for the day.

Clumsy: Well, he's not here. Probably at the wizard's convention or somethin'. In the meantime, I'll introduce you to the other Smurfs. You'll see how kind they really are.

Tom Turkey: (gobbles happily)

Meanwhile, Scaredy and Lazy were putting up a fence. Something sudden caught Scaredy's eyes; it was a big turkey coming towards him.

Scaredy: (screams) It's a turkey!

Lazy: A what?

Scaredy: A turkey! Run for your smurfs! (zips out of frame)

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
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Icon 1 posted 06-20-2024 03:29 AM      Profile for Smurfketeer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Lazy: Ahh! Papa Smurf! (lazy dashes) This is a nightmare!

Scaredy zips past some other generic smurfs then hides behind Hefty, shaking out of fear.

Hefty: Whats wrong-a Scaredy?

Scaredy: a-a-a-a-a Turkey! (Scaredy points at Tom the Turkey, that is chasing the other smurfs).

Tom the Turkey knocks Handy who is holding a mountain of wood.

Handy: Hey!

Tom the Turkey then steps on Smurfette's flowers while Smurfette is peacefully watering her flowers.

Smurfette: Ohhh my flowers!!

Tom the Turkey then pushes Vanity who is looking at his reflection, and then breaks his mirror.

Vanity: My mirror!


Posts: 21 | From: Australia | Registered: Jun 2024
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 06-20-2024 05:04 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
*Tom Turkey wonders what all that noise was. He turned around and is surprised of all the chaos he caused.*

Clumsy: Gee, I guess you don't know your own strength.

Hefty walks over to Clumsy and Tom Turkey.

Hefty: When Papa Smurf comes back to see all this mess, that turkey is in BIG trouble! And that goes double for you, Clumsy!

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
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Icon 1 posted 06-21-2024 02:10 AM      Profile for Smurfketeer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Every smurf stares at Clumsy in discontent, crossing their arms.
Clumsy: Oh no, I'm uh sorry every smurf!

(Camera Dissolve)

Clumsy: Gosh! I better take you inside Tom. Come on Tom (Clumsy takes his Turkey inside his house)

Clumsy looks down disheartened and doesn't know what else to do.

Clumsy: I don't know what to do with you, Tom. When Papa Smurf gets here, I'll be in big trouble, e-yup!

Tom Turkey looks down in embarassment.


Posts: 21 | From: Australia | Registered: Jun 2024
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 06-23-2024 08:11 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Meanwhile, Gargamel and Azrael are taking a stroll in the forest.

Gargamel: Bah! It's been three hours and still no feast! I will surely perish, if we don't find one quick!

Azrael: (meows, "That's right")

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
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Icon 1 posted 06-24-2024 12:10 AM      Profile for Smurfketeer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Gargamel: (sniffs) Hmmm smell that Azrael? It smells like smurfs!

Azrael: (meow meow)

Gargamel: Or maybe I'm just dreaming?

Gargamel walks over to the smell, then gets knocked down by a tree.

Gargamel: YOWCH! Ohh Azrael, I think my old age is catching up to me already

Azrael: (meow meow - in sadness)


Posts: 21 | From: Australia | Registered: Jun 2024
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 06-25-2024 03:05 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Back in the Smurf Village, Handy is building a fence for Tom Turkey.

Clumsy: Gee, thanks for yer help, Handy! No Smurf will complain about Tom Turkey now!

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
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Icon 1 posted 06-26-2024 01:06 AM      Profile for Smurfketeer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Handy: No problem Clumsy, but make sure to smurf Tom inside the fence

Handy leaves.

Clumsy: Ok uh Handy!

Brainy and Grouchy come in.

Brainy: Clumsy Clumsy Clumsy! What do you think your doing? You know a fence won't just keep Tom out of the village! As papa smurf always said-


Posts: 21 | From: Australia | Registered: Jun 2024
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 06-27-2024 06:00 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
*Tom Turkey grabs Brainy and gives him a big hug.*

Brainy: Hey! Put me down, you overgrown lummox!

Clumsy: I think he likes you, Braineh!

Grouchy: I HATE hugs!

*Tom Turkey puts Brainy down, then grabs Grouchy and gives him a hug. No use stating what he hates, Grouchy just shrugs it off and kindly hugs the turkey back.*

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 07-01-2024 04:36 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: You stay here, Tom Turkey! I'm gonna go get Greedy to feed ya cranberries! Uh, Braineh? Groucheh? You watch Tom Turkey 'till I get back.

*Clumsy leaves. Tom Turkey puts Grouchy down on the ground.*

Grouchy: I like this turkey. But I HATE if anyone knew about it!

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
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Icon 1 posted 07-04-2024 12:52 AM      Profile for Smurfketeer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
(Camera Dissolve)

Meanwhile Greedy is chugging down one smurfberry pie after another, licking his fingers. And The smurflings are watching.

Greedy: Mmhm! Nothing like smurfberry pie in the morning!

Harmony plays his trumpet.

Harmony: And nothing like a musical note in the morning!

Greedy's pies turn to mush.

Greedy: Yeah (angry tone)


Posts: 21 | From: Australia | Registered: Jun 2024
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 07-04-2024 04:54 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Suddenly, they heard something rumble. It was Tom Turkey's tummy.

Brainy: Poor thing must be starving, Grouchy.

Grouchy: I HATE starving!

Brainy: None of us do, but...

The turkey's stomach rumbles again.

Brainy: We have to feed it right away!

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
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Icon 1 posted 07-05-2024 10:45 PM      Profile for Smurfketeer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Meanwhile, Clumsy is asking Greedy for a basket of cranberries for Tom Turkey.

Clumsy: Thanks Greedy! oops! (trips, and drops a cranberry out of his hand)

Clumsy: Ok I'll be going now! e-yup! (giggle)

Sassette: Hmmmm I wonder what Clumsy is doing with all those cranberries?

Slouchy: I don't know. Do you think we should go find out?

Snappy: Yeah!

The smurflings follow Clumsy to Tom Turkey.

Brainy: About time Clumsy!


Posts: 21 | From: Australia | Registered: Jun 2024
Matthew Grisham
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Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 07-22-2024 05:13 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: Okay, Tom Turkeh! Here's yer cranberries!

The turkey gobbles with delight, seeing cranberries in the basket.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Member # 8995

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Icon 1 posted 07-23-2024 10:30 PM      Profile for Smurfketeer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: Wow, uh you eat fast Tom!

Tom Turkey burps after its meal.

Brainy: If you ask me, that Tom Turkey is nothing but trouble (muttering)


Posts: 21 | From: Australia | Registered: Jun 2024
Matthew Grisham
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Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 07-25-2024 07:34 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Tom Turkey yawns, feeling exhausted from eating.

Clumsy: Aw, it looks like Tom Turkey is ready for his nap.

Brainy: Already? But you just fed him!

Clumsy: C'mon, Braineh. We have to sing him a lullaby.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
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Icon 1 posted 07-26-2024 02:10 AM      Profile for Smurfketeer   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Grouchy: I hate lullabies!

Gargamel and Azrael are walking around the forest still in search of food.

Gargamel: Ohh Azrael if i could get my hands on those blue wretched smurfs, I wouldn't be hungry anymore!

Azrael: Meow Meow!

Gargamel: If I could-

The hunters stampede past Gargamel.

Gargamel: YOWCHH!! (Gargamel ducks for cover)


Posts: 21 | From: Australia | Registered: Jun 2024
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