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Role Play Forum » RP: Brainy's Pet Owl (Page 1)
Author Topic: RP: Brainy's Pet Owl
Matthew Grisham
Blue Buddy
Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 05-21-2023 08:38 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Summary: Brainy Smurf adopts a baby owl after taking "advice" from Hefty Smurf, so he is left in charge of it until it becomes a full grown owl.


1. Use Season 2 characters.
2. Keep it family friendly.
3. Follow closely to the story. No random posts!
4. Have fun!


The episode begins at morning in the Smurf Village.

Papa Smurf: (yawns) Another smurfy morning.

Papa gets out of bed, hums the Smurf song "la la la" while changing from his nightshirt into his usual red pants behind a wooden divider. He comes out from behind the wooden divider, still humming the Smurf song to himself. Papa opens the door to come out and greet the new day.

Papa Smurf: (cut to view of forest) Morning, forest. (cut to view of trees) Morning, trees. (cut to close up of bees working in their hive) Morning, bees.

Suddenly, a cute little bluebird flies over to Papa Smurf, chirping and flapping his wings, as usual.

Papa Smurf: Hello, bird.

The bird then flies away and Papa waves goodbye. He continues on his stroll, walking past a sleeping Lazy Smurf.

Papa Smurf: Morning, Lazy.

Lazy: (snores)

Papa then walks past a baby owl, whom he waves hello to.

Papa Smurf: Morning, baby owl. (stops, in shock) Baby owl?!

Brainy enters into frame to find the baby owl.

Brainy: There you are! I was almost worried sick! Papa Smurf would've-

Papa Smurf: Ahem!

Brainy turns to Papa Smurf, who is angry with him.

Brainy: Papa Smurf! What a surprise!

Papa Smurf: Who said you can keep an owl without my consent?

Brainy: Uh… Hefty did.

Hefty: What?!

Smurfs: (unison) Huh?!

Brainy: He said, "If Brainy wants a pet, let's make it an owl". So, I took his advice and…

Hefty: I was being sarcastic, stupid! I didn't think you'd actually keep one!

Smurfs: (unison) Neither did we all!

Brainy: (to Papa) Anyway, I was going to ask you if it was okay to keep a baby owl. But you were busy in your lab all day yesterday, so I waited until tomorrow.

Vanity: He's not wrong, you know.

Papa Smurf: Normally, I'd say "put it back". But since you had it for a day, it smells of Smurf now. So, go ahead.

Brainy: Certainly, Papa Smurf! You won't regret this! As you always say…

Papa Smurf: I know, I know! Now, go to your home and smurf care of it!

Brainy: Yes, but…

Papa Smurf: And this thing is your responsibility! You will treat it as part of the village and I suggest you all do the same!

Smurfs: (unison) Yes, Papa Smurf!

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
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Brainy (smiling, to the owlet): Well, come on, Plato; I'll smurf you in your bed-nest again. You're still very young to smurf around the village!

(They go away, leaving the Smurfs amazed.)

Smurfette (enchanted): Awww, this is so lovely, so adorable!

Hefty (getting sulky at once on hearing her remark): Smurfette, don't say that you find cute that stupid attitude of his!

Smurfette (crossing her arms and staring at him): So I've just found it! And remember that was you yourself who smurfed him to do that, after all.

Hefty: But I told already that I was being sarcastic! How could I imagine he would smurf it literally?

Smurfette (same): But you can't blame him for that anyway! This smurfs you right, to learn not to say things without reflecting.

Handy (trying to cool down spirits): Personally I find very good Brainy minding a pet. At least he'll smurf busy for a long time, what means no lecturings and no quotation books!

Vanity: Yes, Handy, indeed! Not mentioning that might be such a smurfy and unforgettable experience for him!

Harmony: That's right, Handy! At least there will be peace, without all that babble smurfing in our ears!

(This time Grouchy says nothing, but looks sideways both at Harmony and his trumpet in an ironical way.)

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
Blue Buddy
Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 05-21-2023 01:15 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: (enters into frame) Uh, howdy, every Smurf! What's smurfing on?

Hefty: Hey, Clumsy! Good news! Brainy owns a pet owl!

Clumsy: (excited) Gosh, a pet owl?! (looks around) Uh, where is he? Huh, huh?

Vanity: He's at Brainy's house! Papa Smurf said he is his responsibility!

Smurfs: (all but Hefty, Clumsy, Smurfette and Vanity) What a shame!

So, Clumsy walked over to Brainy's house. Much to his delight, he saw Brainy feeding Plato his owl food.

Brainy: Now, eat up. It's important for strength and the mind. For as Papa Smurf says...

Clumsy: Uh, howdy, Brainy! (to Plato) Say, you're a cute little fella.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Matthew Grisham
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Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 06-10-2023 02:49 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Brainy: Greetings, Clumsy. I see you've met my pet owl.

Clumsy: Uh, yup. It's too bad Hefty hates it.

Brainy: He'll grow to like it in time. It's not like he's jealous of me or anything.

Clumsy: Cause he ain't got a pet of his own?

Brainy: Precisely. But the other Smurfs are willing to help take care of him, if they'd like.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Krisalyn Baptista
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Icon 1 posted 06-12-2023 07:15 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: Uh, I'll take care of him, Brainy!

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Matthew Grisham
Blue Buddy
Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 06-12-2023 09:11 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Plato jumps into Clumsy's arms and snuggles.

Brainy: Okay, but make sure to feed him and bathe him. Oh, and keep him away from bad people and animals, like Gargamel and Azrael. They "hate sickeningly sweet things", as what the former always says.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Matthew Grisham
Blue Buddy
Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 06-14-2023 08:19 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Cut to a view of Gargamel's hovel.

Gargamel: Bah! I hate sickeningly sweet things!

Cut to closeup of Gargamel.

Gargamel: They make me wretch! (coughs)

Gargamel walks over to an accurate picture of Papa Smurf.

Gargamel: Why must they spoil my misery with kindness like... (pointing to a picture of Papa Smurf) him? Papa Smurf and his ways of making good deeds for everyone! Oh, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!

Azrael: (meows, "I know, Gargamel, I know!")

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Gargamel (shaking his fists in the air): Otherwise, not only him, but ALL the Smurfs! Oh, how much I hate them! I HATE, I HATE, I HATE THEM!

(Azrael simply sighs and rolls its eyes.)

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
Blue Buddy
Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 06-15-2023 05:10 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Back in the village, Clumsy Smurf is walking with Plato on top of his head.

Clumsy: Uh, since you're here with me, might as well introduce you to every Smurf in the village.

They spot Harmony, who is practicing his "music" on his horn.

Clumsy: This is Harmony. He's a musician, but has a hard time practicing with sour notes. He doesn't even know it.

Harmony: (stops playing) Ah, hello, Clumsy! Did you like my solo? (spots owl) My, my, what is this?

Clumsy: It's Brainy's pet owl, Plato. I'm watching over him for today.

Harmony: Oh, is he musically inclined?

Clumsy: Huh?

Plato quickly grabs a flute from Harmony's instruments and, surprisingly, plays it well.

Harmony: Wow, he's very good at smurfing the flute!

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 06-15-2023 09:52 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy (delighted): Gee whiz, such a talented guy you are, Plato!

Plato: Hoot, hoot! (Thanks, Clumsy!)

Smurfette (coming): Oh, what a smurfy music!

Vanity (also): Not as marvelous as myself, but very great indeed!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
Blue Buddy
Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 06-15-2023 10:09 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Hefty: Hey, Clumsy! Taking care of Brainy's pet, I see?

Clumsy: This is Hefty. He likes to lift heavy things, such as barbells and big rocks. Also has a hard time having a sense of humor and can get irritated easily, I tell you.

Hefty: Hey, Plato. If you wanna smurf strong, take a gander at these biceps. (flexes his muscles) True mastering of strength, don't you think?

Plato: (nods yes)

Clumsy: Uh, between you and me, he often has an ego. Thinking he can solve everything with violence, but we all love him regardless.

Hefty: Anyway... if you need me, I'll be smurfing a jog 'round the village. See ya!

Clumsy waves goodbye to Hefty.

Clumsy: Buh-bye!

Vanity: Oh, Clumsy! Which side of me is smurfier?

Smurfette: Ooh, I think it's smurfy of you to watch over Brainy's pet!

Clumsy: Plato, meet Vanity. He's the one who admires himself in the mirror, but still cares for us besides his looks. And there's Smurfette. She's the only female Smurf in the village and is glad to help others in need, aside from Papa, of course. She even rescued us that one time from Gargamel as The Lone Smurf.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 06-16-2023 07:51 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Smurfette: Why, thank you, Plato. I do my best to fit in with the village.

Vanity: Okay, what does Plato think of me?

Plato: Hoot, hoot.

Clumsy: Oh! He says, "I like you just as you are, regardless of looks".

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
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Icon 1 posted 06-21-2023 05:39 AM      Profile for SmurfyCrow   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Vanity was taken aback by the statement. He had never heard such words before. He sheepishly smiled.

Vanity: ah, heh, thank you!

Spooky and smurfy! <3

Posts: 151 | From: Ontario, Canada | Registered: May 2022
Krisalyn Baptista
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Icon 1 posted 06-21-2023 06:45 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: Uh, yup, he sure is a friendly little birdie

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Matthew Grisham
Blue Buddy
Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 06-21-2023 06:51 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Jokey: (enters with a gift box) Hey, Plato! Here's a present for you! Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk, hyuk!

Clumsy: This is Jokey Smurf. He likes to play pranks on one another. Sometimes, others get annoyed with his exploding gift boxes.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Krisalyn Baptista
Blue Buddy
Member # 6530

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Icon 1 posted 06-21-2023 06:53 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
*Plato pulls the ribbon but the present explodes as usual*

Jokey: Surprise!

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 06-21-2023 07:27 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Jokey Smurf is laughing, but Smurfette did not.

Smurfette: Jokey Smurf, how could you pull that mean prank on Brainy's poor pet owl?

Jokey: Aw, c'mon, Smurfette! Can't you take a joke?

Smurfette: Hmph!

Jokey: What's with her?

Clumsy: She doesn't like you smurfing pranks on Brainy's owl, I guess. And just look at that, you got him all dirty. (beat) Well, I guess it's time for a bath.

Plato: (nods in agreement)

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
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(Smurfette leaves, still upset, while Clumsy gets Plato and takes it to Brainy's.)

Jokey (grumbling): No sense of humor, that's everysmurf's trouble!

Grouchy (off-screen): I HATE sense of humor!

Jokey (replying): This means specially you!

Grouchy (same): I HATE being specially meant!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 06-21-2023 10:09 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
(Meanwhile, at Brainy's home.)

Brainy (startled): Plato! What ever smurfed to you? (crossing his arms, severe) Clumsy, you owe me an explanation, and I hope it's really good!

Plato: Hoot, hoot hoot hoot, hoot! Hoot hoot hoot hoot, hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot! (Please, don't blame Clumsy, Brainy! It was that silly Smurf who gave me an explosive giftbox!)

Brainy (frowning): Oh, yes. Indeed! Jokey Smurf. I should have imagined... (Addressing Plato, calmer) Well, fortunately you didn't get hurt, but I hope you’ve smurfed your lesson!

Plato: Hoot, hoot hoot! Hoot hoot, hoot, hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot hoot! (Oh, of course! Don't worry, Brainy, next time that Jokey won't get me at all!)

Brainy (smiling): That's more like it. Well, how about taking a good bath before resting?

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Krisalyn Baptista
Blue Buddy
Member # 6530

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Icon 1 posted 06-21-2023 10:12 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Plato: Hoot hoot!

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 06-21-2023 10:16 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: I think he said "This sounds good", Brainy!

Brainy (still smiling): Smurfxactly, Clumsy!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
Blue Buddy
Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 06-23-2023 08:41 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
As the days went on, Plato started to grow.

Brainy: Wow! You're getting to be a big owl!

Outside Brainy's house, Hefty is having a conversation.

Hefty: Handy, how many days has it been since Brainy had Plato?

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 06-23-2023 03:03 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Vanity (appearing): Oh, I suppose he's just smurfed into a... well, an owl in his teens.

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
Blue Buddy
Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 06-27-2023 06:32 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Hefty: I wasn't talking to you!

Vanity: Well, pardon me for... dropping in. (looks at his mirror) In beauty, that is.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 06-27-2023 06:41 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Handy (to Hefty): For somesmurf who usually doesn't care much about what Brainy does, you seem to be very interested in his pet owl!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
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