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Role Play Forum » Roleplay: Smurf Who? (Page 1)
Author Topic: Roleplay: Smurf Who?
Krisalyn Baptista
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Icon 1 posted 10-15-2022 09:50 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
A forest fire is spreading and Hefty's the only witness, but he suffers head trauma and he doesn't even remember what he was talking about.

Season 6 characters

Family Friendly

Stay smurfy! [Wink]

*the episode starts Hefty and Clumsy in the forest carrying wood*

Clumsy: Uh, look, Hefty, I found another rock for my rock collection!

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Krisalyn Baptista
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Icon 1 posted 10-15-2022 12:57 PM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Hefty: That's great, Clumsy, but Papa Smurf asked us to smurf wood, not stone.

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Krisalyn Baptista
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Icon 1 posted 10-17-2022 12:58 PM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: Should I call him Rocky, Hefty?!

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Krisalyn Baptista
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Icon 1 posted 10-18-2022 06:24 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Hefty: *sighs* Wait for me here, Clumsy, I'm gonna go smurf up some more wood.

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 01-14-2024 04:01 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: Uh, okay! You heard what Hefty said: "Stay right here and wait for him to get more firewood"!

Brainy: (enters into frame) Clumsy, what are you up to?

Clumsy: Uh, nothin' much. Just talkin' to my pet rock.

Brainy: That thing? It isn't even alive!

Clumsy: (gasps, offended) He is TOO alive! He's just shy, is all.

Brainy: Simply, you're not quite right in the head. Give me that rock! (tries to grab the rock, starting a tug of war over it between him and Clumsy)

Clumsy: (angry) Brainy, he's my pet rock! He's not yours!

Brainy: You think he's your pet, but he's not. A rock is a rock.

Clumsy: (angry) I don't care what it is! I'm not lettin' you take him away!

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
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Brainy (starting to get worried): Clumsy, don't be stubborn! It's just a common rock, very alike to the ones from your collection!

Clumsy (now really angry): NO, NO! YOU'RE WRONG! MY PET ROCK IS VERY SPECIAL TO ME AND NOBODY SHALL SMURF IT AWAY FROM ME! (making a pause, breathing deeply and adding) NOT EVEN YOU, BRAINY!

(Brainy looks at him and shudders with Clumsy's expression. His eyes seem to glare terribly. Still, he tries to call his best friend to reason once more.)

Brainy (apprehensive): Clumsy, please...

(Clumsy takes advantage of Brainy's confusion and gets to snatch the rock out of his hands, running - tumbling sometimes - as fast as he could. On his way he finds Hefty carrying a large pile of wood.)

Heftly (surprised): Clumsy, where do you think you're smurfing? I told you to wai...

Clumsy (shouting at him): OUT OF MY WAY!

(He pushes Hefty abruptly, making him fall and goes on storming off.)

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 02-21-2024 01:42 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Brainy (coming and seeing Hefty sitting on the ground, a bit dizzy and surrounded by some logs): Are you well?

Hefty: Yes, Brainy! But what worries me now is what ever smurfed to Clumsy. He was acting as a true madsmurf! Could you tell me what's smurfing on?

Brainy (sighing): It's that rock that Clumsy found. He told me it was his pet, and that he was talking to it then!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 02-21-2024 01:45 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Hefty: Yeah, I don't blame ya. Sometimes, I think there's too much rocks going on in his smurf.

Brainy: At least your record is left intact. One smurf on the head and you would've had amnesia for sure.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
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Icon 1 posted 02-21-2024 02:00 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Hefty: Bah, I'm okay. In fact what worries me now is Clumsy's strange behavior!

Brainy (concerned): He looks to be no longer the good ol' sweet Clumsy we used to know!

Hefty: Yes, indeed! After what he smurfed to me...

(Suddenly, they hear Clumsy screaming from afar.)

Clumsy (off-screen): HELP! FIRE, FIRE! HEEEEEELP!!

Brainy (opening his eyes wide): My smurfness, he's in danger!

Hefty (resolute): There's no time to smurf, Brainy! Go to the Smurf village to warn Papa Smurf and the others while I'm going to get Clumsy. He mustn't be very far from here!

Brainy: OK.

(He leaves swiftly whereas Hefty goes towards the part of the forest from where Clumsy's cries came.)

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 02-21-2024 04:54 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Hefty: Clumsy, what's wrong?

Clumsy: (panicking) The forest is on fire! All the animals will be smurfed!

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 02-21-2024 05:58 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Hefty (startled): But, Clumsy... How did this fire smurf?

Clumsy (starting to cry): It was Rocky which smurfed all of this!!

Hefty (same): "Rocky"? Ah, you mean your "pet rock"! But how come?

Clumsy (sobbing like a Smurfling): I ran from Brainy because he wanted to smurf my rock from me! But when I got to forest, Rocky began to become rather red and hot in my hand, so I dropped it and then the fire spread through the forest!

Hefty (with arms crossed): Well, it seems that, as a pet, "Rocky" doesn't serve for you at all. Not to mention that you smurfed like a real lunatic!

Clumsy (ashamed): Yes, Hefty... I really don't know what got me!

Hefty: Let's leave here and wait for Papa Smurf and the Smurfs, Brainy must be already smurfing back with them.

(Suddenly Clumsy hears a crackling sound behind them. Turning around, he sees a burnt tree branch falling towards Hefty.)

Clumsy (frightened): Hefty, WATCH OUT!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 02-21-2024 06:23 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Hefty: (confused) Huh?

The tree branch fell down and bonked Hefty on the head, knocking him unconscious.

Clumsy: (shocked) Oh, no!

He looked at the burning forest, worried that it might set Hefty ablaze in the process. So, he knew what he had to do. He dashed over to grab Hefty and brought him to safety, while struggling to carry him.

Clumsy: (grunts) Don't worry, Hefteh! Ah got'cha!

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
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Icon 1 posted 02-21-2024 06:47 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
(He gets to leave the place, holding Hefty the nest way he could. At the same time, guided by Brainy, Papa Smurf arrives with the Smurfs.)

Papa Smurf: Clumsy! What happened, and why is Hefty hurt?

Clumsy (both sad and embarrassed): It was all my fault, Papa Smurf... The forest is burning, due to my pet rock!

Papa Smurf: "Pet rock"? Brainy had told me about a rock which you smurfed like a pet, but then I thought he had exaggerated!

Brainy (fairly aggrieved): You know very well I never exaggerate, Papa Smurf!

Grouchy: I HATE exaggerations, and pet rocks too!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 02-21-2024 07:01 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Farmer: Wow! He'd be not lookin' too good!

Vanity: Didn't think he'd smurf the cut in the beauty factor... (to his reflection) Right? You handsome devil, you!

Jokey: (to Clumsy) Is this some kind of joke?

Clumsy: (sad) Uh, I don't think so.

Greedy: Aw, that's a shame!

Clumsy: (sighs) Oh! I'm glad you understand, Gre...

Greedy: A shame I didn't have time to finish making my special dish! (Clumsy pulls a shock expression) He would've liked it!

Harmony: Allow me to resmurf him with a sad song! (plays horn badly)

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 02-21-2024 07:24 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Papa Smurf: Er... my Smurfs, I think the most important things to smurf now is to take Hefty back to our village and call our Fire Brigade in to smurf out this fire, don't you think?

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 02-21-2024 08:24 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
All the Smurfs agreed in chatter. Lazy, Jokey, Harmony, Handy, Greedy, Vanity, Grouchy and Farmer.

Poet: Maybe this would be time for me to smurf my latest poem, "O' Hefty, Art Thou So Strong?".

Later, back at the village. Clumsy is sitting on a bench outside, feeling sorry for himself.

Brainy: Clumsy, what's wrong?

Clumsy: (sad) Uh, nothin' much. Nope, nope.

Brainy: (long pause) You're still upset about Hefty's sudden amnesia, huh?

Clumsy: Well, uh, yeah, Braineh. You could say that.

Brainy: Do you want me to sit with you?

Clumsy: If you'd like...

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 02-23-2024 06:34 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Brainy then sat on the bench with Clumsy, being sad together. A group of generic Smurfs see Brainy and Clumsy on the bench.

Smurf #1: Hey, Smurf! What are they up to?

Smurf #2: They're moping around after Hefty got smurfed.

Smurf #1: Ah. (long pause) You wanna play a game of Smurfball to take our minds off it?

Smurf #2: Oh, yeah!

Smurf #3: Count me in!

So, the group of generic Smurfs ran off to play smurfball, while Brainy and Clumsy continued to sit on the bench.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 02-24-2024 01:56 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Jokey: (enters into frame with his gift box) Hey, Clumsy! I have a present to cheer you up!

Clumsy: (sad) Not now, Jokey...

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 02-25-2024 06:27 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Jokey: Then it's for you, Brainy!

Brainy (serious): Not now, Jokey!

(The playful Smurf gets surprised but replies nothing. For a moment he thinks of insisting on, but changes his mind and moves away, totally puzzled.)

Brainy: You still didn't tell me the reason why you smurfed so wildly towards me and Hefty, Clumsy!

Clumsy (constrained): I really wish I knew about it, Brainy, but I really don't!

Brainy: What about that pet rock of yours? I remember you meant it was the cause of that fire in the forest. But how come?

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 02-25-2024 06:33 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: I don't know. I was stormin' in the moment or somethin'.

Just then, Handy enters to warn Brainy and Clumsy about Hefty waking up from his injury.

Handy: Brainy, Clumsy, come see! It's Hefty! He's coming to!

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 02-25-2024 06:45 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Brainy (standing up): We're going, Handy. Come on, Clumsy! (Whispering) We'll go on with our talk later.

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 02-25-2024 06:59 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
So, Brainy and Clumsy went over to see Hefty with the other Smurfs.

Clumsy: Are you okay, Hefty? You're not hurt, ain't cha?

Hefty: Hefty? Who's Hefty?

Brainy: Hefty, it's us! Brainy and Clumsy!

Hefty: Huh? I never heard of no Brainy or Clumsy!

Brainy: (to himself) So, I was right. He has amnesia.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 02-25-2024 07:11 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Grouchy: I HATE amnesia!!

Papa Smurf: I'm afraid it's really that, Grouchy!

Smurfette: Oh, Papa Smurf, what must we do to make Hefty smurf to normal?

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
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Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 02-25-2024 07:19 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Papa Smurf: We'll start with something he loves. Brainy, Clumsy, bring in Hefty's barbell.

Brainy and Clumsy do as they're told and they brought Hefty his barbell.

Clumsy: Uh, Hefteh, do you recognize this?

Brainy: It's your favorite barbell, from when you were a Smurfling!

Hefty: (confused) Is this supposed to be mine?

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 02-26-2024 11:03 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Handy (concerned): Yes, pal, it belongs to you.

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
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