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Role Play Forum » Roleplay: The Show Must Go On (Page 2)
Author Topic: Roleplay: The Show Must Go On
Krisalyn Baptista
Blue Buddy
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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2023 04:54 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Smurfette: Oh dear…

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Krisalyn Baptista
Blue Buddy
Member # 6530

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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2023 05:32 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Smurfette: Oh dear…

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2023 05:50 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Timid: (hiding his eyes) Don't look at me! And whatever you do, don't tell Papa Smurf about this!

Smurfette: Why not?

Clumsy: Uh, yeah! Why not?

Timid: Because he'll worry about the way I look! He might even worry about me!

Smurfette: Oh, don't be silly, Timid! Every Smurf worries, even Papa Smurf!

Timid: (angry) Don't you Smurfs understand?! I'm no good at helping the others, because I feel like a big disappointment to the village! (upset) Look! I failed, okay? (disappointed) I tried and I failed...

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2023 09:03 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Smurfette: Don't worry, Timid! I'm sure something will turn up eventually! Just let the others think about it for a while!

Timid: Gee, I hope you're right.

Handy then enters in a panic.

Handy: Smurfette! Clumsy! Come quick! Poet's lost his voice!

Clumsy: (shock) Golly!

Smurfette: Did he smurf laryngitis?

Handy: Let's go! I'll explain on the way!

So, Clumsy and Smurfette followed Handy to find Poet, who truly lost his voice.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2023 09:46 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Timid (now alone and sighing, concerned): As if all my fails weren't already enough... With Poet in that conditions, I see this Spring Festival shall smurf into a complete fiasco!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2023 10:02 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Smurfette and Clumsy then came back to ask Timid for a favor.

Smurfette: Timid, do you think you can take over for Poet?

Timid: (shock) Me?! But I'll muck the whole thing up!

Smurfette: That maybe so, but we need someone who can write just as good as Poet!

Clumsy: Yeah! (beat) Uh, who writes just as good as Poet?

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2023 10:17 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Timid (stammering a little): Me?!? B-but... But I-I'm not smurfsure that I'll be successful!!

Smurfette (patting softly his back): This can be your golden chance, Timid. Please, do it!

Clumsy: Huh, yes! Just try to smurf your best!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
Blue Buddy
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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2023 12:24 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Timid: Well, okay. But may I need some help. I need a subject! One that's smurfy enough for me!

Smurfette: Why don't you write a poem about Johan and Peewit, the bravest heroes of the human kingdom?

Timid: Hate to disappoint you, Smurfette, but we already have a bunch of those written by Poet. Anything else?

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2023 12:43 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: Er... How about smurfing about the several times we defeated Gargamel?

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2023 01:03 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Timid: Nice suggestion, Clumsy. But, no.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2023 01:12 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Smurfette (putting her hand on her chin): Well, then let's smurf about a more original topic, Timid...

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 07-29-2023 01:19 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: Uh, yeah!

Smurfette: (brings out topic cards) Now, I brought some topic cards full of questions. We'll start with this one. (reads one of them) What is your favorite color?

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 07-30-2023 07:58 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Timid: Blue, of course!

Smurfette: Fine! (She takes other card) And now, what's your favorite hobby?

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Krisalyn Baptista
Blue Buddy
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Icon 1 posted 07-31-2023 04:42 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Timid: Well, I do like acting….

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Matthew Grisham
Blue Buddy
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Icon 1 posted 07-31-2023 06:53 AM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: Uh, Smurfette? Question. Did Timid do acting before the last time we did a stage play?

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Krisalyn Baptista
Blue Buddy
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Icon 1 posted 07-31-2023 10:03 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Smurfette: Absosmurfly, Clumsy.

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
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Icon 1 posted 08-01-2023 03:31 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Timid (getting a little hopeful): So... so do you two think I should smurf it again?

Clumsy: Huh, yup!!

Smurfette (smiling): You can be smurfsure! The only difference is that you'll have to smurf Poet's recital this time.

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Krisalyn Baptista
Blue Buddy
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Icon 1 posted 08-02-2023 09:37 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Timid: Really, Smurfette…? But what if Poet doesn’t want me to…?

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 08-02-2023 10:55 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Smurfette: He'll have to accept you, Timid, whether he likes it or not. Otherwise, who else would smurf it, then? Lazy? Grouchy? Brainy? Jokey? No, not at all!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
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Icon 1 posted 08-03-2023 01:16 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Clumsy: Uh, besides, you got the right voice for it!

Timid: Er, well... I'm not sure if I want to risk it.

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 08-04-2023 10:13 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Smurfette: Well, Timid, then it's up to you. But I still think it's no harm in trying!
Anyway, I'll go to Poet's house in order to know how he is and also smurf the text with him. I'll be back soon to leave it with you.
(She goes out.)

Timid: I hope heartily you two are right, Clumsy...

Clumsy: Gee, it shall be worth it, Timid. You
mustn't worry too much.

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Wifu Smurf (Yellow Belt)
Daddy Smurf / Wifu Smurf (Yellow Belt)
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Icon 1 posted 08-04-2023 11:44 AM      Profile for Wifu Smurf (Yellow Belt)   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Devil smurf comes and pushes Timid smurf over.
Devil Smurf: HAHAHA Loser

Posts: 20 | From: Florida | Registered: Aug 2023
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 08-04-2023 12:03 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Timid (dazed): Huh?! Who smurfed that?

Clumsy (surprised): Gee, I didn't!

Devil Smurf: He he he...


Angel Smurf (appearing at once): Don't hear this little devil, Timid! You know very well that you must help your friends. Go for it! Smurf courage!


(Devil and Angel Smurfs disappear when Smurfette gets back, bringing Timid a parchment with Poet's speech.)

By the way, welcome to Bluebuddies, Wifu Smurf! [Happy Smurf]

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Matthew Grisham
Blue Buddy
Member # 6579

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Icon 1 posted 08-04-2023 01:23 PM      Profile for Matthew Grisham   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Smurfette: Here's Poet's poem. Rehearse it as best as you can and don't forget your lines.

Timid: Okay, Smurfette. If you say so...

MATT GRISHAM -- Merriam Woods, MO

Posts: 2547 | From: Merriam Woods, MO | Registered: Jan 2018
Krisalyn Baptista
Blue Buddy
Member # 6530

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Icon 1 posted 08-05-2023 02:38 AM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Smurfette: I know you’ll do us proud, you’ll do Poet proud as well.

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
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