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Smurf Forum » Gargamel Makes Peace (Page 1)
Author Topic: Gargamel Makes Peace
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 12:26 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

Peyo presents

3 Smurf Stories


("Gargamel the Generous", anyone?)

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 12:30 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply


Hefty Smurf and the Machines

The Little Smurf Circus

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 12:42 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- UGH, what a path!
- The wheels got bogged down!
- These are nothing but ruts!

- Ah, here's the fruits!
- Yep, but bringing them wasn't easy at all!

- The path that smurfs to the orchard is in terrible conditions!
- That's very true...

- My Smurfs, we're going to smurf a road. Let's get to work!
- Good idea!

(And the work begins!)

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 01:11 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- We'll need gravel, sand...
- And lots of sweat, too!

- Hey, look! It's Lazy Smurf who's responsible for signaling.

- Papa Smurf, we're missing stones to smurf our pavement!
- Yes, that's Miner Smurf's job. I'm going to ask him.

- Miner, we shall need stones to smurf our work!
- Oh yes, Papa Smurf! I'll look for them right now.

- Get to work...

(At the same time...)
- Stay here, Azrael! I'm gonna look for some poisonous mushrooms.

- Hey, but what are these shining stones?

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 01:30 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- I'm going to show them to the others!

- Your stones are beautiful indeed, but they don't serve to smurf a road, Miner!
- What do you think about, Smurfette?
- Personally I prefer flowers!

- What we really need are good larger rocks!
- Alright!

- Still, these sparkling rocks of mine are so nice...

- A fly agaric, a Satan's bolete... A SMURF?!

- But these are diamonds! So, does it mean the Smurfs would have a treasure?

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 01:59 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- They must keep it in their village... But how to get there?
- Got an idea!



- I don't believe you, that's just a trap!
- Oh no, I assure you! I'll never be wicked again. I wish to become your friend!

- Lead me to the village, for I must talk to Papa Smurf!
- Well, you look sincere, but...

- Ah, Miner Smurf, you are back! What then, did you smurf us good rocks?

- No... But I brought Gargamel!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 02:37 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply


- No, don't be afraid! I wish no harm to you!

- I realized to mend my ways! For a very long time I've made you all suffer... And my conscience has tormented me today!

- I don't even get to sleep anymore! Ohhh, let me make up to you, so that I can forget about the past!

- Mercy on me! Grant me your trust! Ah, how much I regret the harm I've done you!
- He really looks sincere...
- Beware!

- In other words, I propose to make peace!

- Yeah... But I'm still not convinced!
- Why not try, Papa Smurf?

- Well then! What guarantees me that you are serious?
- We could sign a peace treaty...

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 03:09 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- "...and I promise never harming the Smurfs again and let them live in peace." Now, sign here!

- GAR-GA-MEL! There! It's done. All that remains is storing this carefully near your treasure, which...

- Hey, what if we smurf a little party to celebrate this agreement?

- Quick, let's smurf the lanterns!
- Fireworks, too!
- But... that's not necessary!
- And a fine banquet!

- Will you taste my sarsaparilla pie, Gargamel?

- Delicious, huh?

- Oh, what a beautiful blue!

- And now our marching band is going to play to you the hymn to smurfpeace!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 03:36 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply


- You now, Smurfette!!


- And to finish this nice evening party, Brainy Smurf shall smurf a few welcoming lines!

- ...that from henceforth we shall smurf the Forest of Peace, for, as Papa Smurf always says, "After the smurf, comes a calm", and "For a smurfliant heart, nothing is impossible, so...
(I'm gonna break down!! I'll never make it...)

(The morning after...)
- @#%*&☆!! STUPID BEAST!

- What then, Mr. Gargamel? Did you have a good smurfnight?
- In other words...

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 04:11 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- Good! I'll leave you now, for I must go to smurf stones again!

- Well... about your stones, I hear that you've got a treasure. Is it true? Not that it's any of my business, of course...
- What, a treasure?? Not at all!

- No? And what about the diamonds, like this one?
- I smurfed them in my mine!

- And where's this mine, after all?
- Down there, outside the village!

- Follow me!
- I still don't trust him... I really don't!

- It's here.

- HA HA HA, I got you! And now, get out here! I'll deal with you later.

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 05:01 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- First of all, let's light a torch... *

- ...and here I go, my pretty fortune!

- What now? Must I take the left or the side side?


- Gargamel deceived us!! What he really wanted was to smurf my shining rocks!
- I was suspicious all the time! And where's he now?

- At this moment he must be in the mine!
- Let's go there! I'll smurf him a piece of my mind!!

- But where the h*ll are these diamonds? I can't see them anywhere!

- I should have brought that Miner Smurf with me. So I'm gonna back and get him!

(* Matches in the Middle Age? Wizards were really beyond that time indeed... [Big Grin] )

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 05:25 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- @#%*&☆!! There's no turning back! OWWW! OUCH!

- BOO HOO! I'm at a dead end! I'll never be able to get out here!

- The Smurfs! I'm saved!

- Over here! Help me!
- I smurfed well that you weren't sincere at all!

- There! Our peace treaty is broken!

- Don't forsake me here! Mercy!

- Dig it up! The surface is not far away. So long, Gargamel!

- Ouch, my nails... @#%*&☆!! I hate the Smurfs!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 05:55 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- I'm quite sure I’ll be back once again in front of...


- I'll never understand the humans... They would do no matter what for these little sparkling rocks!

- If you all had smurfed my opinion, I'd had warned you: "A liar is not believed, even though he tells the truth." And as yourself always says, Papa Smurf: "Distrust and caution are the parents of security", and blah blah blah...


Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 06:05 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
I forgot a line from this panel (page 8):

 - [Roll Eyes]

- Quick, let's smurf the lanterns!
- Fireworks, too!
- But... that's not necessary!
- Your treasure...
- And a fine banquet!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-22-2022 06:06 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply


(That fine morning in the quarry, Sculptor Smurf has just chosen a huge block of granite.)

- It shall be perfect for my new sculpture! And now I need to smurf it to my atelier.

- Pfff, it's too heavy! I'll ask Hefty Smurf to smurf me a helping hand!

- Ah! There he is.
- How kind of you to smurf all these logs home, Hefty!

- Hi there, Hefty! I need your help to smurf my large granite block.

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-23-2022 05:05 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- Just a minute! I'm the first in line! He must help me smurf my sacks of flour to the storehouse.
- Yes, and later he'll move my coal stove!

- It's a pity I can't smurf you any help today, Sculptor! Maybe tomorrow...

- Something wrong with you, Sculptor?
- Guess what: Hefty Smurf! There's no way to smurf for any help of his, but at this moment I need him!

- Tell me about it! I had asked him to smurf my workbench, but MR. H had no time...
- And unfortunately nobody can replace him.

- But wait! Perhaps I could smurf a machine which would smurf services in his place!
- Something that would smurf my granite block? Do you really think it's possible?

(And Handy Smurf set to work at once.)

(Shortly afterwards...)
- Here we are!
- SPLENDID! Handy Smurf, you are a true genius! Now, let's smurf my block of granite!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Krisalyn Baptista
Blue Buddy
Member # 6530

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Icon 1 posted 08-24-2022 01:06 PM      Profile for Krisalyn Baptista   Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
Is that the whole comic?

Krisalyn B.

Posts: 3276 | From: USA | Registered: Nov 2017
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

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Icon 1 posted 08-24-2022 02:19 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply
It's not finished, Krisalyn; but I'll try to translate the whole book still this week. [Wink]

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-25-2022 07:38 AM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- What's this gizmo, Handy?

- It's my new engine! And she can smurf very heavy loads, resmurf a field in a day, carry several smurfs...

- Then could she smurf my potatoes?
- Certainly!

- And what about my boat?
- My smurfs?
- And mine?

(The day after...)
- Good morning, Sculptor! So, what was the service you asked me for?
- Oh, don't worry, Hefty; it's necessary no more. It was already smurfed, but thanks anyway!

- Really? Good, then I can smurf directly to Brainy Smurf's...

- Oh no, thanks, Hefty! Handy's engine has already smurfed my library. And luckily I got her there, for, as Papa Smurf always says...

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-25-2022 01:50 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- An engine? What kind of smurfery is that, after all? I'm going to see Handy Smurf right now!

- Hey you! I was ahead!
- But my smurf is more urgent!
- In line like everysmurf else, you!

- Hey, that's my turn!
- What's just I've heard of? So you smurfed a machine that smurfs all the work in my place?

- Yes, that's true! And she's very powerful!
- Quick, too!
- And she never gets tired!
- Yep!
- Phooey! I'd smurf to see that.

- There's an old stump which has always encumbered the way to the source. So, we could smurf a competition!

- Great idea!
- Then, let's go!
- Yeah!

- Do the honors, Hefty Smurf!

- Go for it, Hefty!

- Pfff! That's impossible. Nothing can smurf this stump!
- Oh yeah? Okay then, let's see. Smurf over!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-25-2022 03:14 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- YIIPEEE! Three cheers for Handy Smurf's engine!

- I'm pretty disappointed, Hefty...

- Handy, can you smurf me your machine?
- No, me first!
- Me, me!

- But each of you shall have to wait for your turn. After all, there's only one machine!

- Then what if you smurfed an engine for each of us?
- Yes, yes! Great idea, Smurf!
- Er...

- Bah, I just need a little exercise. I'm going to smurf my barbells, and then let's see who's the strongest!

- Come along with me, Greedy! We'll smurf a prank on Hefty Smurf. Let's smurf by a shortcut!

- Quick, Jokey, he's coming!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-25-2022 05:09 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- Just wait and see!

- I'd better smurf the extenders...

- I can't understand anything at all... But I must have lost all my strength!!

- Teeheehee! Jokey, your idea of changing the rubber bands for ropes was terrific!

(Soon, Handy Smurf's engines get to invade the village.)

- To smurf things properly, she smurfs all of them indeed!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-25-2022 06:35 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- Well, smurf me down! Can't really smurf progress.

(At Handy's workshop...)

- ...And also a machine to smurf Carpenter Smurf's furniture!

- Yaaawwn! This experiment has endured for two days and two nights! It's not my age to smurf for such a long time...

- Huh?! Who has been smurfing all this noise?

- It's Handy Smurf's new machines, Papa Smurf! They help smurf possible all the hard work!

- Surely there must be one for you too, Papa Smurf!

- Well, I'll see this later... Now all I want is to smurf a good nap.

- You don't look well, Hefty...
- Not at all, Papa Smurf... I smurfed all my strength...

- Bah, it's nothing to worry about, it shall come back soon... Good night!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-28-2022 02:37 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- Teeheehee! With these machines, we'll smurf problems no more!

- H*ll's smurfs! Just now, in full sowing! Well, I'll smurf a word with Handy Smurf.

- You'll have to wait a little! At first I must repair Miner's and Lumberjack's engines...

- No way! I must smurf it absolutely tomorrow!
- And the sowing can't wait either!
- Er... Alright, alright! Tomorrow!

(So, all through the night, Handy Smurf worked rather hard...)

(And at the crack of dawn...)
- There! Now I only have to smurf whether she'll work...

- Oh, no!! I must have smurfed an error! She got completely crazy!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
Squeaky Smurf
Hering Smurf
Member # 2416

Member Rated:
Icon 1 posted 08-28-2022 04:50 PM      Profile for Squeaky Smurf   Author's Homepage  Squeaky Smurf's Figurine Checklist  Send New Private Message       Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote  Post A Reply

- She's smurfing the whole workshop! I need to... OUCH!!


- Papa Smurf! Handy Smurf's workshop has just blown up!

- And where's he now?
- He's still there, Papa! He was repairing our engines then!

- Hefty Smurf, quick! You must go and smurf him out there right now!
- But, Papa Smurf, I can't... I've already told you I lost all my strength!

Keep on always smurfin'!!

Posts: 7327 | From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Registered: Jul 2008
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